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Berlin releases schedule for spring yard waste collection

 (April 14, 2016) The Town of Berlin is reminding residents of its spring yard waste collection schedule. If normal trash day is a Tuesday or a Wednesday, yard waste pick up day is Wednesday, April 20. If normal trash day is a Thursday, yard waste pick up day will be Wednesday, April 27. Residents are… Read more »

Pocomoke welcomes spring this weekend

(April 14, 2016) For the third year running, a two-block section of Downtown Pocomoke will be closed to vehicle traffic as the town welcomes the return of warmer weather during the Downtown Pocomoke Spring Festival this Saturday. The festival and live entertainment will begin at 11 a.m. and continue until about 4 p.m. “It’s similar… Read more »

Newark resident releases new novel, ‘Ape’

(April 14, 2016) Newark resident Dr. Benjamin Beck explores the relationship between humans and chimpanzees in a new novel, “Ape,” released last year through Berlin-based Salt Water Media. Born in Kingston, New York, Beck became the research curator and curator of primates at Brookfield Zoo in 1970, and served at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Zoological… Read more »


(April 14, 2016) The Berlin Mayor and Council, Berlin Planning Commission and Berlin Board of Appeals discussed the following items during public meetings at town hall last week, and on Monday: New chair delayed Because the town council unanimously approved the reappointment of the entire committee, during a meeting on March 28, the parks commission… Read more »

Bunting, Bertino to host joint mtg. in Ocean Pines

(April 14, 2016) Worcester County Commissioners Jim Bunting (District 6) and Chip Bertino (District 5) will hold a joint Town Meeting on Thursday, April 14 at the Ocean Pines library to discuss the Fiscal 2017 Worcester County budget.   The meeting, which will begin at 6:30 p.m., will include a presentation of the budget by… Read more »

Exhibitors sought for CAR tech fair

(April 14, 2016) The Coastal Association of Realtors (CAR) is seeking exhibitors for its 2016 Realtor Technology Fair on Thursday, April 21 from 1:30-5 p.m. at The Fountains Conference Center in Salisbury. Technology vendors are invited to present their products and services and connect with the more than 1,000 real estate professionals who are members… Read more »

Nonprofits present funding pitch

(April 14, 2016) Three locally well-known nonprofits made their presentations to the Berlin mayor and council Monday in an effort to land a spot on the town’s budget for the coming fiscal year. Diakonia, based in West Ocean City, was up first, with board member Jack Burbage leading the discussion. “We’re here to ask for… Read more »

Councilmember raises questions to appeals board

(April 14, 2016) After running through a brief and relatively drama-free agenda last Wednesday, the Berlin Board of Appeals fielded a question from Councilmember Lisa Hall that sparked more than 15 minutes worth of additional discussion. Hall said she had noticed a number of housing violations in the area, and asked if the appeals board… Read more »

Setbacks, buffer issue for solar

(April 14, 2016) While all parties appeared to agree the issues aren’t intractable, it’s clear that discussions of a proposed solar farm located off Public Landing Road are far from over. The concerns are the setback and the density of a vegetative buffer that will be used to obscure the farm from view. As now… Read more »

Four projects pass ‘historic’ test

(April 14, 2016) A busy meeting last Wednesday saw four items earn the unanimous approval of the Berlin Historic District Commission in just under an hour. The commission had to work fast, starting at 5:30 p.m., with another meeting, the Berlin Board of Appeals, starting at 6:30. Two of the items pertained to 14 North… Read more »