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Purnell Museum to open doors for spring ‘16 season

(April 7, 2016) The staff at the Purnell Museum are eager to welcome visitors for the 2016 season as they open the doors this spring. As ice and snow have covered the roof, staff has been busy behind the scenes with renovations, which will be unveiled during an opening reception with refreshments on Friday, April… Read more »

BOE candidates will take part in public forum, Wed.

(April 7, 2016) On Wednesday, April 13, an informational forum will be held for District 3 voters (in Worcester County), featuring their three Board of Education candidates: Sara Thompson (incumbent), Shirley Bunting-Moran and Francis Gebhart.   District 3 extends (essentially) from various parts of: West Ocean City, Synepuxent and Berlin down through the Assateague and… Read more »

Annual MS Walk to raise $100K

(April 7, 2016) Nearly 850 people are expected to raise $100,000 to support cutting-edge research and life-changing programs and services for people living with MS during the annual Walk MS, taking place on Saturday, April 9 in Ocean City and Sunday, April 10 in Salisbury. Walk MS, is an opportunity for people living with MS… Read more »

Lower Shore Land Trust Stewardship

(April 7, 2016) The third workshop in a series to educate community members on local conservation efforts will be held on Friday, April 8 at the Lower Shore Land Trust office in Berlin, from 1-3 p.m. The workshop will cover the landscape level restoration efforts along the Pocomoke River and will include a tour of the… Read more »

Waterline flushing schedule in OPA

(April 7, 2016) The water and wastewater division of public works will begin its semi-annual program for flushing waterlines in Ocean Pines, River Run, Pennington Commons and other areas of the county during April. The purpose of this program is to remove any accumulated sediment from the lines, and to ensure the hydrants are operational…. Read more »

Pickleball comes to Worcester Co. Recreation Center in SH

(April 7, 2016) Worcester County Recreation & Parks is offering Pickleball this spring at two different times. This drop-in program will be played indoors at the Worcester County Recreation Center (WCRC) in Snow Hill.   Pickleball is a paddle sport created for all ages and skill levels. The rules are simple and the game is… Read more »

Letters to the Editor

Healthcare Decisions Day Editor, What would happen if you were in a serious automobile accident or suffered a stroke or other sudden health emergency and could not speak for yourself? Would your family and doctors know what kind of medical treatment you’d want to receive? Would they be making the difficult decisions for you? If… Read more »

Pines should rethink plan

The comprehensive plan project in Ocean Pines continues to be comprehensively confused, as neither the planning committee nor the board of directors seems to know where this effort is heading. This isn’t anyone’s fault, but is the result of trying to adapt a process required of government entities for use in a community built according… Read more »

Spring Celebration returns, with ‘Wonderland’ theme

(April 7, 2016) For the second straight year, Berlin’s annual Spring Celebration will go through the proverbial looking glass with an “Alice in Wonderland” theme. Sponsored by the Berlin Chamber of Commerce, the event runs from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, April 9. Spring Celebration centers around children’s activities in the downtown area,… Read more »

Cam and Woody Bunting to get Lion’s Club Berlin Award

(April 7, 2016) Cam and Woody Bunting have been named this year’s recipients of the Berlin Award, the Berlin Lion’s Club announced this week. The award, now in its 51st year, recognizes citizens for their volunteer work in the town. “I always knew that I wanted to get married, I knew that I wanted to… Read more »