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Zawacki hoping for return to board

(May 28, 2015) Bill Zawacki, who served on the Ocean Pines Association board of directors six years ago, is working to return to that body in this year’s election. According to the 75-year-old resident, “not much has changed” since he last served. “It’s the same damned thing,” he said. “The board hasn’t gotten any better,”… Read more »

Gallery offering original works by world-class artists

(May 28, 2015) A number of art galleries on the Eastern Shore hang work by local artists, as well as prints of well-known works, but few can boast a collection of original contemporary pieces by renowned artists such as Marcel Mouly and Andy Warhol. That’s about to change next month, when Art in the Fields… Read more »

Directors still debating facility-use policy in Pines

(May 28, 2015) The 17-member group examining how community organizations can use certain Ocean Pines amenities gave a major presentation at last Wednesday’s board of directors work session that detailed its several months of work and its proposed policy on facility use. What comes next, however, is unclear as it the Ocean Pines Association Board… Read more »

Berlin makes $17M budget public

(May 28, 2015) The Berlin Mayor and Council formally introduced the $17.1 million fiscal year 2016 budget during a public meeting on Tuesday. This year’s budget marks an 11 percent increase over the $15.3 million dollar budget adopted during the previous year. Of the staff’s work on the budget this year, Berlin Mayor Gee Williams… Read more »

Thousands celebrate ‘Old-Fashioned’ way

(May 28, 2015) The mile-and-a-half stretch of Flower Street overflowed with onlookers on Monday, as Berlin’s annual Old-Fashioned Memorial Day parade drew residents and visitors of all ages on a picture-perfect summer day. Unlike most Berlin events, centered in the downtown area and designed to boost revenue in shops and restaurants, the parade served as… Read more »

‘Beyond the Beach Trolley’ opens

(May 21, 2015) The “Beyond the Beach Trolley” began operating May 1 to connect residents and visitors of West Ocean City, Berlin and Ocean Pines to shopping, dining, work and recreation.   This 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. trolley-style vehicle operated by Shore Transit Division of the Tri-County Council last year for the first time… Read more »

Rackliffe House opens for season

(May 21, 2015) Rackliffe House, a beautifully restored 1740s merchant-planter’s Georgian home overlooking Assateague Island and Sinepuxent Bay, outside of Berlin, opened for the season on Monday, May 18, International Museums Day. This season, a new visitor experience includes an eight-minute introductory film about the Rackliffe family, the history of the house, and those who… Read more »

Capital Ringers go to ‘Hollywood’ Sunday, May 31

(May 21, 2015) Capital Ringers, community handbell ensemble, presents its spring concert tour with the “Broadway to Hollywood” free show on Sunday, May 31 at 7 p.m. at the Community Church at Ocean Pines. The spring 2015 concert season, which runs April through June, will include arrangements from favorite movies and shows including “The Lion… Read more »

Warm weather brings fresh produce, pie

I’ve been in an animal sort of mood lately. Last week my invective was focused on tourists and their infrequent but blaringly stupid interactions with large wildlife, whether it be the good people in Yellowstone with the brown bear and her cubs or the tourists in our neck of the woods with the ponies on… Read more »

Ocean Pines receives Md. Clean Marina certification

(May 21, 2015) The Ocean Pines Marina has been awarded Maryland’s Clean Marina certification. The Maryland Department of Natural Resources’ Clean Marina Initiative recognizes and promotes marinas, boatyards and yacht clubs of any size that meet legal requirements and voluntarily adopt pollution prevention practices. DNR has certified nearly 25 percent of Maryland’s estimated 600 marinas… Read more »