BERLIN—The Town Council voted to approve road closures for Women Supporting Women’s Second Annual High Heel Race, which this year is scheduled for June 6, during the Feb. 10 meeting. Mary Henderson, office coordinator for the Worcester County Chapter, said the first such race, which took place last year, was well attended. She thanked the… Read more »
Delmarva Power issues refunds
NEWARK, DEL. – Delmarva Power on Feb. 18 began issuing natural gas rate refunds to customers. The refund, which will include interest paid to the customer, is a result of the most recent natural gas rate case settlement in October 2013. In July 2013, following Delaware law, Delmarva Power implemented a temporary natural gas… Read more »
OPA Board gives OK to FY 2014-2015 budget
OCEAN PINES—During a Feb. 21 meeting, the Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors approved the proposed budget for fiscal year 2014-2015, which begins May 1. According to a statement released by the OPA, “The FY 2015 Budget reflects Total Revenues of $10,229,558 and Operating Expenses and Transfers of the same amount, a Basic Annual Assessment… Read more »
Berlin named ‘coolest’, so now what will occur?
BERLIN–When Mayor Gee Williams raised his glass at the Burley Oak Brewing Company during those first clock ticks after midnight into Tuesday morning, it was to toast Berlin’s becoming Budget Travel Magazine’s Coolest Small Town in America, 2014. While it might have signaled the end of the contest, the toast was unarguably marking the beginning… Read more »
Learning to cook requires practice, patience
(Reprinted from Feb. 21, 2013 issue) Bram Stoker wrote that “we learn of great things by little experiences” and you would be hard pressed to find any aspect of life to which that philosophy doesn’t apply. In the kitchen, we often find ourselves overwhelmed by learning how to cook, a concept that is further removed… Read more »
EPA updating wood-burning stove standards
MARYLAND—The Environmental Protection Agency is updating its emission standards for wood-burning stoves with stricter manufacturing guidelines, which industry representatives say are too aggressive and with un-vetted testing methods they said could result in an unnecessary decrease in products. On Jan. 3 EPA Administrator, Gina McCarthy, signed a proposal to update air emissions standards for wood-burning… Read more »
OPA homeowners to pay slightly less for member dues
OCEAN PINES—A public meeting to discuss Ocean Pines Association General Manager Bob Thompson’s proposed 2014-2015 budget was a sparsely attended affair on Feb. 15, but did not lessen the significance of what was being discussed—the first assessment reduction in in recent years. An obviously pleased OPA President Tom Terry, said later he was “Absolutely thrilled… Read more »
Flat iron steak for a successful dinner
Plans do not always come together; that is the way of it. Eventually things always seem to get done. Whether it’s getting the kids off to school or trying to knock out schoolwork, there’s always that one phone call. That one friendly stop in the supermarket where you end up talking to an old friend… Read more »
Annette Theresa Vollmer
nette Theresa Vollmer WILLARDS – Annette Theresa Vollmer, age 74, died on Wednesday Feb. 5, 2014 at Atlantic General Hospital in Berlin. Born in Englewood, N.J. on Nov. 17, 1939, she was the daughter of the late Frank and Amelia Morris. Annette is survived by two children; daughter, Jean Marie Vollmer of Florida, and… Read more »
Anne C. Wolfsheimer
Berlin–Anne Conroy Wolfsheimer, age 86, died Friday, Feb. 7, 2014 at Atlantic General Hospital. Born in Norfolk, Va., she was the daughter of the late Eugene and Anna Grady Conroy. She was preceded in death by her husband, Col. Nelson Joseph Wolfsheimer, Sr. She is survived by her admiring children; Dr. Nelson Joseph Wolfsheimer,… Read more »