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Former paramedic sues Berlin Fire Company

BERLIN—A former paramedic and volunteer fireman on Aug. 27 filed a civil rights lawsuit in excess of $8 million against the Berlin Volunteer Fire Company and several of its current and former leaders for their alleged roles in a campaign of sexual orientation-based harassment and intimidation. Attorney James Otway, of the Salisbury firm Otway, Russo… Read more »

Alumni, teacher to be honored

BERLIN–The Germantown School Community Heritage Center is hosting a banquet honoring its alumni and sole surviving teacher, Josephine Anderson, on Saturday, Sept. 14 at 6:30 p.m. The event is being held at the Berlin Intermediate School and will feature Dr. Clara L. Small, guest speaker. Dr. Small, a professor at Salisbury University, is renowned for… Read more »

Suplee's secret to successful beach cookout

Another week brings us closer to the end.  Our clock is ticking.  We are all one day to be bereft of life. Try as we might, we must own up to the reality that with each passing season comes a sense of mortality.  And nothing seems to remind a parent with young children of our… Read more »

McDermott preparing to annouce senate candidacy

MARYLAND—Del. Michael McDermott (38B-R) has not announced it yet, but the Bayside Gazette has confirmed that he is preparing to announce after Labor Day his plans to run for the state senate, in a challenge to incumbent Sen. Jim Mathias (38-D). McDermott has been a member of the Maryland House of Delegates since January 2011…. Read more »

Common sense remains in courts

BALTIMORE–A federal judge’s ruling last week that upheld the ubiquitous and evenhanded practice of criminal background checks before employment signals that some measure of common sense still has a place in the nation’s courts. In a strongly worded opinion, U.S. District Judge Roger W. Titus dismissed the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s attempt to cast… Read more »

Number of justifications for restructuring calendar

At some point over the years, state education officials changed the way the world works for public school students. There was a time, after all, when August was still a full month of vacation, because school didn’t start until after Labor Day. There are, without a doubt, any number of justifications for the restructuring of… Read more »

'Young Playwrights Class' set to perform original scripts

OCEAN PINES—The “Young Playwrights Class," sponsored by the Ocean Pines Recreation and Parks Department, will present a reader’s theatre performance of their original scripts on Aug. 25 at 3 p.m., according to instructor Sandy Lanier. The performance, presented by young playwrights Marissa Wheaton, Danasia Wright, Kinsie Ruckle and Jackson Darlington and youth actor Emmanuel Aroh, will… Read more »

Yenney discusses church's outreach program with club

OCEAN PINES– During the weekly meeting of the Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines – Ocean City on Aug. 14, the guest speaker was Mary Yenney, emergency outreach coordinator for the Community Church’s Emergency Outreach Program.   The Community Church has a well-known and supported thrift store known as "The Nook" from which some of the… Read more »

Atlantic General Hosptial to conduct community survey

BERLIN—In late August, Atlantic General Hospital will begin conducting a two-week-long community needs assessment. The hospital has secured the assistance of RKM Research and Communications, Inc., a market research firm to conduct the research on the hospital’s behalf. The 25-minute telephone survey will be administered to randomly selected households in Worcester County  and portions of… Read more »

Dieters gain new Weight Watchers meeting spot in Pines

OCEAN PINES—Diet procrastinators are losing “too far away” as an excuse for not attending meetings, because Weight Watchers is coming directly to the Ocean Pines Community Center. According to Leader Ruby Dillon, starting Sept. 4, the company will add another evening meeting time—5:30 p.m. on Wednesdays—to its repertoire. Currently meetings are held at the Community… Read more »