By Ally Lanasa, Staff Writer

The Berlin Mayor and Council agreed to allocate Royal Farms, at 10633 Ocean Gateway, two additional equivalent dwelling units (EDUs) on Monday.
(Oct. 29, 2020) The Berlin Mayor and Council approved the allocation of two more equivalent dwelling units (EDUs) at the Royal Farms on the corner of Route 50 and Stephen Decatur Highway in Berlin during its meeting on Tuesday.
An equivalent dwelling unit is a standard of measurement by which a user is charged for sewer or water services.
The commercial building at 10633 Ocean Gateway consists of 5,329 square feet and requires five EDUs equal to 12,500 gallons per day. The property already has three EDUs equal to 750 gallons per day.
Two Farms Inc. paid the town $33,372 on Oct. 2 for the additional EDUs.
Each EDU costs $16,686.
Jamey Latchum, the stormwater and wastewater superintendent, said the cost of EDUs are determined by cost of maintaining it, replacing parts at the treatment plant and infrastructure.