Group members mull over resolution M-06 amended language before board vets
(Dec. 19, 2019) Seeking to define election validation processes, the Ocean Pines Elections Committee reached agreement on updates to resolution M-06 last week with the revised language set for a first reading by the board of directors meeting on Jan. 4.
The principal modification to resolution M-06, which outlines election and referendum procedures, is language clearly stating what constitutes validation of vote results.
Elections Committee Chairman Steve Habeger said Bylaws and Resolutions Committee Chairman Jim Trummel had forwarded recommendations that were previously shared with the board.
“Over the past few years, the chair of election committee and the board have done different things to validate,” he said.
Subsequent confusion was generated by the varying methodology.
“The situation was exacerbated at the last annual meeting, when there wasn’t a quorum,” he said.
Resolution M-06 outlines two validation processes: it can be handled at the homeowners annual meeting, assuming a quorum is present, or, in the absence of a quorum, the board can hold a special meeting to validate the results
While the defined procedure was followed, it did generate questions as to what exactly signifies that results are finalized.
“There was confusion as to what that is,” he said. “The essence of it is if we change M-06 to say … the act of presenting the results is the validation.”
Habeger said the committee should agree on an approach before forwarding the issue to the board.
Board liaison Steve Tuttle, while noting the question had initially been raised by OPA President Doug Parks, said the procedural task mainly falls within the purview of the election committee.
“Once you guys announce the results, done deal, it’s been validated,” he said. “The board doesn’t really validate.”
Committee member Bob Windsor stressed that the process is transparent.
“We have records if somebody wants to audit it,” he said.
Tuttle said while not a common occurrence, tight races might result in requests for a second glance.
“In a really close election somebody might want to say, ‘Hey, can we get a recount,’” he said.
Habeger said in that eventuality, the board would be responsible for outlining the process.
Committee member

Ocean Pines Elections Committee member Bob Windsor, left, and Committee Chairman Steve Habeger review proposed updates to resolution M-06 to refine election validation processes during the group’s meeting last Friday.
asked when candidates would be expected to request a vote recount.
Habeger said strategic procedural approaches have been developed to allow for the eventuality.
“That is what led us to announce the ballot count ahead of the annual meeting,” he said. “If you wait for the annual meeting and you’re a candidate [who was] two votes short … the train’s already gone.”
The committee voted to approve the amended language and forward the matter to the board.
Two other included revisions concerning candidate seating and questioning order at board election forums were also vetted.
Habeger said the present language requires seating and questioning candidates in ballot order.
The revised language, while removing an existing reference to permitting randomly assigned seating, also authorizes the election committee to assign the sequence of candidate responses, with all required to respond.
“I think it’s not fair to the candidates and boring for the audience,” he said.
Tuttle concurred, adding that varying the sequence of questioning could provide voters a better idea of candidate perspectives.
“If they’re always in the same order, you don’t get a real good picture of each candidate,” he said.
With the committee agreeing on the resolution changes, Tuttle will request a first reading for the M-06 amendments at the next board meeting on Jan. 4.