The Communications The North Gate sign could be changed to an electronic one that would be easier to update.
By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Reporter
(March 23, 2023) The results are in and 61 percent of those who answered the survey are in favor of electronic signs in Ocean Pines.
The survey, issued by the Ocean Pines Association’s Communications Advisory Committee, sought to determine interest in “replacing the marquee-type information signs located throughout the community with an electronic version.” The survey drew responses from 401 residents.
According to the poll’s findings, residents said the current signs on Ocean Parkway are useful, with 17 percent considering them extremely useful, 30 percent very useful and 38 percent somewhat useful. Only 5 percent considered them not useful at all.
A significant percentage, 43 percent, said the current signs are hard to see at night, and 50 percent would like to see them updated more frequently.
The Communications Committee has proposed to change just the North Gate sign at this time. The new sign would be similar to the current one, but with the map on the right, and the lettering on the left side. The lighting would be the same and the basic appearance would remain the same, with a white background and black lettering.
“There will not be any pictures or traveling text. The lighting will be just like it is now, no neon lighting or commercial messaging,” said Cheryl Jacobs, the committee’s chair.
“It is only for the purpose of changing, via Wi-Fi, the message to make it more timely on matters directly related to Ocean Pines,” she said. “The signs we have are old. Some like the charm of those signs. But we live in a digital age. We should be moving into the 21st century.”
The electronic sign costs about $20,000 and is not in the 2023-24 budget. The committee will have to make the request to the board for the next year’s budget.
Beyond the electronic signs, the committee plans to hold a contest for new signs to encourage people to vote in the upcoming elections. The committee is expected to select the winner in April so signs can be produced for the August elections. Two board seats will be open this election season, with Colette Horn and Doug Parks ineligible for reelection because of term limits.
The committee has also been in discussions with the police department about accessing drone footage the department already has on hand. The committee would like to access this free footage and make it available under the historic tab on the Ocean Pines website.
“The purpose of the drone footage is for historical records, along with all the other things we have preserved,” Jacobs said. “It will be available to anyone who wants to see it, now and in the future.”