(Jan. 12, 2017) Worcester County Economic Development (WCED), in partnership with the Maryland Department of Commerce, Pocomoke City, and the towns of Berlin and Snow Hill, will host an Enterprise Zone Tax Credit Seminar on Tuesday, Jan. 17 at 11 a.m. at the Berlin Town Hall.
The seminar is open to entrepreneurs whose businesses are located within an Enterprise Zone and will provide an overview of the tax credits that may be available to them.
Maryland Department of Commerce representatives and Enterprise Zone Administrators will be in attendance to accept applications as well. Eligible businesses will be able to tap into existing tax credit programs for income tax (potentially $1,000 per full-time employee hired within the past three years), and an overview on property tax credits will be given as well.
“Our partners strive to ensure that business owners in Worcester County are aware of the availability of this long-standing tax credit,” WCED Director Merry Mears said. “Our goal is to walk them through the process, so they can reap the benefits of locating within one of our three Enterprise Zones.”
Enterprise Zones in Worcester County are located within the towns of Berlin, Snow Hill and Pocomoke City. To determine if a business is located within a designated enterprise zone, contact the town hall where the business is located. Enterprise Zone administrators are Ernie Crofoot (Pocomoke, town administrator), Kelly Pruitt (Snow Hill, town manager) and Ivy Wells (Berlin, Community and Economic Development director).
There is no cost to attend, and lunch will be provided. However, advance reservations are required. To register, contact Mears at mmears@co.worcester.md.us or 410-632-3112.
The seminar is open to entrepreneurs whose businesses are located within an Enterprise Zone and will provide an overview of the tax credits that may be available to them.
Maryland Department of Commerce representatives and Enterprise Zone Administrators will be in attendance to accept applications as well. Eligible businesses will be able to tap into existing tax credit programs for income tax (potentially $1,000 per full-time employee hired within the past three years), and an overview on property tax credits will be given as well.
“Our partners strive to ensure that business owners in Worcester County are aware of the availability of this long-standing tax credit,” WCED Director Merry Mears said. “Our goal is to walk them through the process, so they can reap the benefits of locating within one of our three Enterprise Zones.”
Enterprise Zones in Worcester County are located within the towns of Berlin, Snow Hill and Pocomoke City. To determine if a business is located within a designated enterprise zone, contact the town hall where the business is located. Enterprise Zone administrators are Ernie Crofoot (Pocomoke, town administrator), Kelly Pruitt (Snow Hill, town manager) and Ivy Wells (Berlin, Community and Economic Development director).
There is no cost to attend, and lunch will be provided. However, advance reservations are required. To register, contact Mears at mmears@co.worcester.md.us or 410-632-3112.