New and returning Ocean Pines Directors on Friday tour the swim and racquet club park area with Facilities Manager Kevin Layfield and General Manager John Bailey.
By Josh Davis, Associate Editor
(Aug. 30, 2018) The August election in Ocean Pines seated three new board members, and gave appointed Director Ted Moroney his first elected term on the seven-member panel.
Last Sunday, all seven directors took part in a daylong orientation meeting that began with an extended briefing on bylaws and legal responsibilities.
The Gazette asked the three new board members, former elections committee chairman and now Association Vice President Steve Tuttle, former comprehensive planning committee chairman Frank Daly and businesswoman Esther Diller, to weigh in on their impressions.
Each emailed a reply.
Association Vice President Steve Tuttle:
The Board Orientation was very helpful in the several ways. Here are some of my takeaways:
- Presentation by Jeremy Tucker on governing documents – We are a 501(c)(4) meaning we have to be open to the public.
- Treasurer John Viola’s review of the financial condition.
- Brief introduction of the department leaders — being able to put a face with a name on the org chart.
- Tours — Gave us a much better sense of some of the options on several projects nearing the decision point.
- Conversation on how we can involve the membership and best progress in meetings, the benefit of value added communication, i.e. every Director does not have to comment on everything when they are basically repeating what has already been stated.
Director Frank Daly:
I found the orientation to be fairly basic. Most of the material covered was information that I had previously heard at committee or board meetings. Was still worthwhile but not new, groundbreaking material.
I found the facilities tour to be exceptionally useful. It provided an opportunity to see a number of pressing issues first hand and to discuss possible solutions in “real time” with the GM and staff.
Director Esther Diller:
I found the meeting to be very informational and gave me some clarity on certain issues. The most eye-opening was the tour. Visiting the areas of concern by our association members has given me a better idea of the issues and how we can come up with some solid solutions and decisions. I look forward to continuing the tours of the rest of our facilities with [General Manager John Bailey].