By Ally Lanasa, Staff Writer
(Jan. 7, 2021) An audit of the federal program funds used by the Worcester County public school system in the past fiscal year found nothing but full compliance, according to a report to the board of education on Dec. 15.

Vince Tolbert
The audit was conducted by the accounting firm TGM Group LLC of Salisbury.
Vince Tolbert, the chief financial officer for the school system, said there were 73 different federal grant program awards last year for an approximate total of $7.7 million.
The federal money was used for the Summer Food Service Program, Title I School Grants, Title III grants, Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy Grants and covid-19 CARES Act technology grants.
The school board approved the audit as presented.
The school board also approved the monthly financial report as presented by Tolbert for the period ending on Nov. 30. Last month’s salaries total was $6.6 million and other expenditures totaled $2.6 million.