By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Writer

Cineva Smith and Vanessa Alban silently protest outside of the April OPA board meeting. They said they did not want people to forget about Gavin Knupp, a 14-year-old who was killed by a hit and run driver last year.
(April 20, 2023) Although a protest was announced by members of the “Do it for Gavin” Facebook group for the Saturday Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors meeting, just two women arrived to hold signs.
Their quiet protest was in response to the remarks from Board President Doug Parks last month regarding some of the more aggressive tactics that some members of the “Do it for Gavin” group had taken, including threats to vandalize the Veterans Memorial if the foundation held its fundraiser at the Ocean Pines Yacht Club. Board members and staff working at the Yacht Club also reported receiving threats.
“I want to let the Ocean Pines Association know that the majority, the 99.9 percent of us that are in the “Justice for Gavin” group are not bullies,” Cineva Smith said.
Smith’s boys were friends with Gavin.
Both Vanessa Alban and Smith said Saturday they don’t want people to forget about Gavin.
The reported threats are related to OPA’s association with the Matt Ortt Company, which handles food services at the association-owned Yacht Club, the Golf Club, and the Beach Club.
Ortt’s former partner, Ralph DeAngelus, is suspected of some level of involvement in a hit-and-run crash that killed 14-year-old Gavin Knupp of Ocean Pines last July. No arrests have taken place and the investigation continues.
Ortt ended his partnership with DeAngelus and has said that everyone who is suspected to have been involved in the accident has no ties to the Ortt Company.
As for the relationship between OPA and the Matt Ortt Company, General Manager John Viola reviewed the details of the original agreement executed on Aug. 14, 2019 as part of his General Manager’s Report.
The contract was originally set up for three years with a fourth and fifth year added if year one and two combined operating profit targets were achieved.
In year one, FY 20-21, the original combined operating profit target of $130,000. This was the year of COVID, so an extension was provided through an amendment executed on Aug. 24, 2021.
In year two, FY 21-22, the original combined operating profit target of $175,000 was achieved.
In year three, FY 22-23 the combined operating target of $190,000 is estimated to be achieved.
Based on the measurable results achieved per the contract and the contract amendment, the term of the contract has been extended to year four, FY 23-24 and year five, FY 24-25.