By Morgan Pilz, Staff Writer
(March 5, 2020) The town of Berlin is currently looking around for bids regarding a Request for Proposals (RFP) for residential trash pick up this week.

Town Administrator Jeff Fleetwood
Town Administrator Jeff Fleetwood is looking for bids for a “commercial refuge hauler to entertain the possibility of doing all residential trash.” In addition, the town is considering residential recycling.
“The hope for the for the residential trash and recycle one is to see if there is any actual cost savings out there … to see if it’s cost effective to outsource it versus doing it in-house,” Fleetwood said. “Part of this contract going out for bid, I’m [also] including in there that I’d like to see all the residents in the town having the ability to do single stream recycle versus now, which is not single stream. We’re looking to see if we can do single stream recycle, which I think would be a huge plus for the residents.”
Single stream recycling would mean town residents would no longer have to separate glass, cardboard and plastics, and could use just one container for all recyclable materials, which would be separate from the other trash repository.
However, just because there is an RFP being sent out does not mean that this service is guaranteed to happen.
“Right now, I’m inquiring to see if it’s going to be cost effective to do it,” he said.