Rachel Ravina/Bayside Gazette
Water Resources Director Jamey Latchum informs Berlin’s Town Council during a meeting Monday evening about the need to close Flower Street this upcoming Monday, Aug. 19, to conduct a sewer main repair. The town also agreed to pay an $11,753 requisition to Goody Hill Groundwork, Inc. for the work.
By Rachel Ravina, Staff Writer
(Aug. 15, 2019) Motorists who normally travel on Flower Street should seek alternative routes on Monday, as the road is scheduled to be closed for a sewer main repair, Water Resources Director Jamey Latchum told the Town Council Monday night.
Latchum said the line in need of repair is located in the middle of the road, thus necessitating the closure. He estimated that repairs would take about one day to complete. He added his department hasn’t been able to determine the circumstances or scope of the damage.
The council unanimously approved an estimated $11,753 requisition from Berlin company, Goody Hill Groundwork Inc., for the overhaul at 515 Flower Street, according to a proposal.
Latchum added there would be a message sign from the State Highway Administration notifying drivers of the impending closure.
Additionally, Latchum said he and Town Administrator Laura Allen would need time to alert area residents. In case of inclement weather, the work would begin Tuesday, Aug. 20.
Mayor Gee Williams asked how the repair would affect school bus transportation, but Latchum said his goal was to complete the job before school starts.
Councilman Elroy Brittingham agreed.
“We get 30 school buses in the morning and 30 school buses in the evening,” Brittingham said.
Councilman Dean Burrell also asked Latchum if Flower Street would be “closed to all vehicles, including emergency vehicles”? Latchum said he would be sure to convey this closure to emergency services personnel, including Police Chief Arnold Downing.