OPA President Rick Farr
Racquet club, tiki bar will be enhanced, golf course will install spray irrigation
By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Writer
(Jan. 4, 2023) Under the direction of President Rick Farr and General Manager John Viola, the Ocean Pines Association has been going full steam ahead with projects to enhance amenities and make improvements in the community.
At the end of the year, the board approved expenses to expand the tiki bar at the Yacht Club, start a three-year effort to replace the irrigation system at the golf course and rehab the racquet sports building.
“We are flush with cash and will generate revenue off of that,” Farr said.
The golf irrigation project is a major undertaking and certain holes on the course will be closed off during installation. Most work will be done in the off-season to reduce the impact this work will have on revenue generation, according to Farr.
The tiki bar will be expanded by 240 square feet so it can provide additional bar service on both the pool and Yacht Club sides.
Racquet sports enthusiasts are getting everything they wanted, according to Farr, with the rehab of the racquet sports building, including a pro-shop, office, upgraded bathrooms and more.
Drainage will continue to be a priority, and that includes cleaning out pipes. Ocean Pines is responsible for pipes that drain into the canals and under road surfaces. Residents are responsible for ensuring their ditches are clear of leaves and debris.
Mailboxes will also continue to be replaced. Beautification efforts are continuing around the community, including the repainting of signs, plantings and new seasonal banners. Farr also noted that the beach club is getting a refresh by the Matt Ortt Company.
Farr said he is proud of the way the new board is operating and engaging with its advisory committees.
The committees are involved in the planning for the Ocean Pines Seasonal Kickoff and Expo scheduled for April 20, from 3-7 p.m. at White Horse Park.
“The kickoff is a great function for Ocean Pines,” Farr said.
The event will provide an opportunity for residents to learn more about the many amenities, activities, clubs and businesses in the community