Showing off their studio last year during the third annual Berlin Artist Studio Tour throughout downtown Berlin are Stuart Gibbs, Richard Gibbs and Geoff Threadgill.
By Rachel Ravina, Staff Writer
(Dec. 5, 2019) Residents and visitors can get an inside look at several artists’ studios throughout Berlin this Saturday during the Berlin Holiday Studio Tour.
The fourth annual studio tour will take place from 12-6 p.m. on Dec. 7. Admission is free, and maps will be available in the Berlin Welcome Center’s foyer on South Main Street, as well as Baked Dessert Cafe on Bay Street.
Heather Layton, president of Berlin’s Arts and Entertainment Committee, said she started the event to pay tribute to the town’s creative people.
“Several towns up and down the East Coast and all over, I’m sure, put something like this on, and I just thought we should do the same for our artists,” Layton said. “I mean, after all, we wouldn’t be an arts and entertainment district without the artists.”
Layton said she’s excited about this year’s crop of artists participating in the tour.
“We have some really, really solid artists in town, and I mean I feel like we’re super lucky they call Berlin home,” Layton said.
The following artists will participate in the Berlin Holiday Studio Tour:
- Artist Patti Backer, owner of The Dusty Lamb, has her studio on 12 William St.
- Artist Caroline F. Downes, of CFD Fine Jewelry, has a studio located on 16 N. Main St., Unit 4.
- Stuart Gibbs, Richard Gibbs and Geoff Threadgill have a studio on 309 Bay St., Unit B.
- Artist Patrick Henry, of Henry Fine Arts Gallery, has his studio on 9928 Old Ocean City Blvd.
- Painters Lynne Lockhart and Kirk McBride have a studio located on 18 Burley St.
- Artist Brian Robertson, of the Berlin Printery, has a studio on 16 N. Main St.
- Artist Deborah Rolig’s home studio is located on 200 Washington St.
- Artist Barbara Scheihing, of Barbara Scheihing Fine Arts, has a studio located on 15 Burley St.
- Artist Tim Thompson’s home studio is located on 200 Washington St.
- Artist Austin Widdowson’s home studio is on 505 Sunlight Lane, Unit 4.
- Wooden Octopus’ studio is on 8 Jefferson St.
Layton said patrons can also use this event to get a great deal on a piece of art. Artist Deborah Rolig said she plans to “deeply discount” her work, and Patti Backer, of The Dusty Lamb, said her prices range from $4- $550.
“There’s truly a price point for absolutely everyone,” Layton said.
Rolig, who has participated in the past several studio tours, said she’s looking forward to meeting tour participants in her home.
“I … love having people come into my house and be able to look through my work causally,” Rolig said.
Rolig describes her paintings and assemblage pieces as “quirky” and “fun.” Backer, who has a similar eclectic style, said she loves how the event allows for people to get to know the artists.
“I think it’s great because I think it’s really fun for people to see where artists work,” Backer said. “And also I mean you kind of get to hang out with them a little bit, which is also fun if maybe you haven’t met them.”
Rolig agreed.
“It’s an opportunity for people that have no idea what it’s like to walk into an artists’ studio and to actually see the space that art is created in,” Rolig said.
She added that she’d like for people attending the studio tours to “take away some sense of freedom of expression, and they through me they can see that art is playful and fun, and I just want them to enjoy themselves.”
For more information about the upcoming event, visit the “4th Annual Berlin Holiday Studio Tour” Facebook page.