The exterior walk-in freezer on Gay Street for Tiki Tim’s will need to be fenced off before any other changes are approved by the Berlin Historic District Commission. JACK CHAVEZ/BAYSIDE GAZETTE
(March 9, 2023) After an incendiary February meeting in which the Berlin Historic District Commission tore into a representative for a property owner of The Globe for ignoring the commission’s orders and protocol, March’s meeting with the property’s leaseholder went much smoother.
Jon Lane, the former operator of Braddah Barney’s in West Ocean City, took over The Globe property last month, but only took control of Tiki Tim’s three days ago.
Tiki Tim’s is the addition that HDC members described as looking like “a shanty town” last month. Lane told commission members this week, however, that he is looking at what needs to be done to satisfy them.
“I just got into the building. I know you said it’s been going on (for a while) but I haven’t even opened my doors yet,” Lane said while assuring the commission he has every intention of alleviating their concerns.
At the February meeting, the commission directed the property owner to take down the wall and roof that had been put up without its approval. As of Tuesday, the wall was gone but the roof remained.
The commission informed Lane that no further changes could be approved until a six-foot fence is constructed around the exterior walk-in freezer located on Gay Street.
“Our stipulation in our last meeting was nothing could be brought back to this board for approval until this fence was constructed,” commission chair Nornie Bunting said.
“We approved it and it was not done. There were three years. What happened then was we looked at the minutes of when the outside walk-in freezer was put in. When put in, there was a stipulation of a fence covering it up. Now we have to have that fence or the walk-in would have to go. You’re not going to do that.”
He added that a “simple fence to cover up that area” is all that is needed. A door or gate could be installed on it. As long as nothing is visible to traffic, they can “have stuff behind it” as well.
“We are willing to work with you,” Bunting continued. “We were willing to work with (property owner) Bryan (Brushmiller) and The Globe. Come to us and we’ll work with you. Don’t do it behind our backs because that’s when things get a little hairy and I don’t like to see that.”
While the commission rejected a request from Lane to address the Tiki Tim’s wall and roof situation before the fence over concerns about equipment that has been subjected to cold temperatures, commission member Carol Rose said it was acceptable to focus on opening up for business.
“If you’re trying to get open tomorrow, you concentrate on that,” Rose said. “Nornie will bring the packet (of requirements) over to you, look at it and then if you have questions, call on any of us. We’re not asking you to do it … tomorrow.”
In other action, the HDC approved the plans to install planters, benches and window halls on and around the Berlin town hall facility.
The project will be funded through the Main Street Improvement grant.
The Berlin Horticultural Advisory Board, previously the Berlin Beautification Committee, designed the planters and benches to be installed along William Street. Window boxes will go in two windows in the town hall building itself.
There will be five benches in total, board member Andrea Weeg said, with the board replacing one existing bench in front of town hall.