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Grant sought to demolish building

By Ally Lanasa, Staff Writer

(Oct. 1, 2020) Berlin could be looking at no cost to demolish the buildings at Heron Park on Old Ocean City Boulevard.

“Potentially, there’s $500,000 in grant money out there for demolition, and where I’m talking specifically, would be the old processing building at the Tyson plant,” Town Administrator Jeff Fleetwood told the mayor and Town Council Monday night.

Fleetwood said he has received quotes of up to $600,000 to eradicate the existing structures.

“Three years ago, I had quoted $0,” he said. “And I’ve seen it as high as $600,000.”

Ivy Wells, the town’s economic and community development director, has been working with Worcester County’s grant writer to apply for the Strategic Demolition Grant Fund.

According to the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development’s website, the limited funds are awarded to projects “that can have a high economic and revitalization impact in their existing communities.”

The purpose of the fund is also to enhance the financial possibilities of “grey field development.”

In addition, Wells is applying for $100,000 in grant funding to continue the façade grant program to the downtown commercial district and to purchase historic streetlamps for Pitts Street.

“Every year, I’ve applied for the Community Legacy Grant to help fund our façade grant improvement program that we offer to the downtown businesses in our Main Street district,” Wells said.

There is no financial match required for either grant.

Wells added that she applies for grants from the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development annually.

The mayor and council gave Wells permission to apply for grants for the 2021 fiscal year that are due on Oct. 15.

If the town receives the grants, Wells said the projects will go through the request for proposal process.