Heron Park reopened Wednesday morning.
By Rachel Ravina, Staff Writer
(Sept. 5, 2019) Heron Park in Berlin has reopened after taking several months to clean up a caustic chemical at the site on Old Ocean City Boulevard, Mayor Gee Williams reported Wednesday morning.
Administrative Services Director Mary Bohlen informed members of the Berlin Parks Commission at its Tuesday evening meeting that the park’s opening was likely.
“It is supposed to be open tomorrow,” Bohlen said. “I’m not sure if they opened it at the end of the day today, but it is supposed to be open tomorrow.”
The town has spent nearly $165,000 to dispose of an undetermined amount of sodium hydroxide 50 percent (caustic soda or lye), which has industrial applications, according to an invoice from Chesapeake Environmental Services, a company responsible for handling the clean-up.
Two additional invoices totaling more than $30,000 were authorized during last Monday’s Mayor and Council meeting for the facility formerly known as Berlin Falls Park.
The park officially closed in mid-July, Town Administrator Laura Allen said during a July 18 advisory committee meeting. Williams said during the meeting that he expected the clean-up process was expected to wrap up last week.
When asked about the specifics of the investigation, Bohlen did not comment.
“I can’t wait to go in and see it all cleaned up,” said Parks Commission member Patricia Dufendach.