Plaques for historic homes in Berlin can be ordered through
Economic and Community Development Director Ivy Wells for about $100. The Berlin Historic Commission last week voted unanimously to approve use of the signs.
By Josh Davis, Associate Editor
(April 12, 2018) Berlin is proceeding with plans to offer custom residential home plaques for historic homes in or near the historic district.
The Historic District Commission last Wednesday voted unanimously, 3-0, to approve the signs, which must be 15.75 by 10 inches and made of aluminum and featuring antique copper lettering.
Economic and Community Development Director Ivy Wells said the signs may be placed wherever a property owner chooses.
Resident Patricia Diniar originally envisioned the signs, Wells said.
“She wanted to be able to make sure that everyone had the same type of sign, because we’re doing a historic walking tour again – we’re republishing that,” Wells said. “It’s basically just so when people are doing the tour they can see … this is the house that they were talking about and match it up to the sign.”
Commission Chairwoman Carol Rose said it is important that the signs are uniform.
“If you have one person ordering it all, then that’s how you’re going to get consistency,” Wells said.
She said anyone in Berlin can request a plaque by contacting her. She said the cost for each would be about $100.
“Anyone who wants a plaque, I’ll be happy to order it for them,” she said. “They may not be on the historic walking tour map … but anyone who wants a plaque, just have them contact me.
“Pat Diniar has been working on this project for years and years and years, and it’s never come to fruition,” Wells added. “It’s time that it actually happen.”
To contact Wells, call 410-629-1722 or email iwells@berlinmd.gov.