By Ally Lanasa, Staff Writer
(June 18, 2020) The Berlin Planning Commission’s review of a site plan for the i.g. Burton Chevrolet dealership last Wednesday resulted in no action, as the commission awaits to see a final version of it before passing judgment.
The new dealership building on Old Ocean City Boulevard in Berlin is expected to be built east of the existing sales and vehicle service building.

The site plan involves demolishing the existing Chevrolet building on Old Ocean City Boulevard in Berlin after construction begins on the new one, which will be 26 feet and 4 inches and contain commercial service doors to work on school buses and trucks.
Charles Burton, Lisa Divincenzo and MJ Lofland of i.g. Burton, and Tim Metzner of Davis, Bowen & Friedel Inc. presented the site plan to the planning commission.
At present, the plans call for the current Chevrolet building to be torn down, while the existing Chrysler service department will remain there.
The plan is to begin construction before tearing down the original building to continue service, and Burton told the commission the company hopes to break ground in August or September.
The new building height will be 26 feet and 4 inches and contain commercial service doors to work on school buses and trucks.
Burton said he also expects to work on more electric cars in the upcoming years.
On the 6.09-acre property will be 182 parking spaces to allow for vehicle sales display areas.
The site plan currently does not include a sidewalk, but Metzner said he is in the process of receiving permits from the Maryland State Highway Administration to add one.
Details about landscaping, lighting and dimensions and placement of the sign were not included in the plan presented to the commission, prompting commission member Pete Cosby to observe, “We’re being asked to do a final approval for a site plan, and we don’t have a lot of the stuff that we need to have.”
Rather than render a finding, the commission tabled the matter until it can view the final plan.
“That’s what we have to approve,” Cosby said.
The commission did expressed willingness to have an expedited meeting to move the project forward as soon as it can.