The inaugural Pocomoke River Raft Race will precede the Town off Snow Hill’s annual Fourth of July fireworks show and holiday celebration this year on Friday at Sturgis Park.

A row of paddles that will be given to the Pocomoke River Raft race winners during the July 5 event are pictured.
Courtesy photo
Inaugural Pocomoke River Raft Race set July 5 in Snow Hill
The inaugural Pocomoke River Raft Race is set for Friday, July 5, at Sturgis Park in Snow Hill and according to organizers, promises to be “a spectacular day filled with creativity, competition, and community spirit.”
According to a news release, participants from across the region will showcase their ingenuity by constructing homemade rafts and racing them on the Pocomoke River. Race start time is at noon, July 5, and people of all ages are welcome to attend the event.
Highlights of the event include innovative raft designs featuring the creativity and craftsmanship of participants; family-friendly activities such as Yacht Rock music, food and drinks available for spectators to purchase and Plinko games hosted by the chamber with cash prizes at stake; community engagement with local business owners, community leaders and residents; and awards and prizes.
Competitors will vie for titles, such as Best Dressed, and one team will earn the Broken Paddle Award for their struggles in not giving up. Prizes will also be awarded to the first, second and third finishers.
For more information about the raft race, visit Pocomoke River Raft Race on the Snow Hill Area Chamber website at
After the event, the town’s First Friday Independence Day Celebration will commence with festivities and fireworks from 5-9 p.m. at Sturgis Park.
Event highlights include beverages from a variety of local vendors and the Snow Hill Area Chamber of Commerce station, live music provided by DJ Smack, and the chamber’s Plinko Game with chances to win a variety of prizes.
The fireworks display will take place over the Pocomoke River at 9 p.m.