Berlin transitions to virtual gatherings, but no urgent matters occur this month
By Ally Lanasa, Staff Writer
(Jan. 14, 2021) All town of Berlin boards and commissions meetings have been canceled for January, given the absence of any urgent matters to discuss, Deputy Town Administrator Mary Bohlen and Planning Director Dave Engelhart said this week.
The meetings last month were canceled as well, as town officials waited until preparations could be made to meet entirely online because of

Mayor Zackery Tyndall
coronavirus concerns.
“The boards and commissions are allowed to start meeting anytime their respective chairperson feels their respective committee or board is capable of transitioning to Zoom,” said Mayor Zackery Tyndall. “We have staff members who are trained to help facilitate the Zoom meeting process for our members and the public.”
The Berlin Mayor and Council meetings have been operating via Zoom and streamed live on Facebook since Dec. 14.
Engelhart said he is working on the agendas for upcoming Board of Zoning Appeals, Planning Commission and Historic District Commission meetings.
The next Board of Zoning Appeals meeting date has not yet been confirmed. However, the Historic District Commission is scheduled to meet virtually on Feb. 3 at 5:30 p.m. The Planning Commission will meet over Zoom the week after on Feb. 10 at 5:30 p.m.
The Parks Commission is set to meet virtually on March 2 at 5:30 p.m.
According to the January newsletter from town staff, if a public hearing is scheduled, procedures will be in place and announced ahead of time to allow public participation during the live meeting.
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