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Liaisons named to Ocean Pines advisory committees

(Sept. 14, 2017) The Ocean Pines Association recently posted director liaison assignments to the various advisory committees on its website.
Liaisons are appointed following the August election each year and act as go-betweens from the committees to the board of directors.
Board President Doug Parks is the liaison to the aquatics committee and search committee. Vice President Cheryl Jacobs is the liaison to the 50th anniversary and clubs committees.
Brett Hill is the liaison to the architectural review and bylaws and resolutions committees. Pat Supik, the board treasurer, will continue as the liaison to budget and finance committee. She will also represent the environment and natural assets committee to the board.
Slobodan Trendic will continue as the liaison to the elections committee and represent the comprehensive planning committee, although that group has been inactive for about six months.
Tom Herrick is the liaison to the marine and golf committees, and Dr. Colette Horn is the liaison for the communications and recreation and parks committees.
Jacobs was briefly appointed as the liaison to the search committee, but that would have been in violation of a revision of Resolution M-09, governing the search committee, approved in April. The advisory group is tasked with recruiting candidates to run for the board.
Ironically, Jacobs proposed a revision during a board meeting on April 29 to do away with liaisons to the committee altogether, citing potential conflicts if the liaison happened to be a director up for reelection. In 2016, former Director Jack Collins was liaison to that committee and ran for reelection.
During discussion on the revision, Herrick offered an amendment to the language that stated, “The President of the Association shall appoint a Director to serve as a liaison to the Committee. The liaison shall not be a Director that is eligible for re-election.”
The amendment and the original motion passed 4-2.
Parks, in an email on Saturday, said the mistake had been corrected.
“Cheryl had reminded me of the requirement,” Parks stated. “I have removed her as liaison and I have assigned myself as the Search Committee liaison.”