Rachel Ravina/Bayside Gazette
Berlin’s Historic District Commission unanimously approved homeowner Adam
Davis’ request to re- configure his driveway to accommodate a fence on his property
during a meeting last Wednesday evening.
By Rachel Ravina, Staff Writer
(Oct. 10, 2019) A home on South Main Street in Berlin will soon have a white picket
fence following the unanimous approval of members of the town’s Historic District
Commission last Wednesday.
Homeowner Adam Davis proposed reconfiguring his driveway on 23 S. Main St. to
create enough space to accommodate the new fencing.
Davis said he would like to build a scalloped motif fence. He added that there would
be a four-foot fence along the perimeter and a six-foot fence along the property line.
Davis said he would also “seed and/or sod [the] cleared space.”
Davis cited safety concerns for his 3-year-old son as a reason for the addition.
“It’d be nice to have that grass space for him to be able to run around and not wind
up in the street with the fence,” Davis said.
Commission member Norman Bunting moved to approve the request, which
alternate commission member Allen Palmer seconded.
Berlin Historic District Commission Chairwoman Carol Rose and Vice Chairman Dr.
Robert Poli were absent from last Wednesday’s meeting.