By Ally Lanasa, Staff Writer

The water tower off Route 346 in Berlin is due for preventative maintenance, but after the town experienced water pressure issues in the water supply system it has not been taken out of service yet.
(Aug. 27, 2020) Berlin residents experienced low water pressure on Aug. 9, presumably because of multiple valve issues in the water supply system.
Berlin has two water towers, and the one on Route 346 is scheduled for interior and exterior painting, said Town Administrator Jeff Fleetwood.
“We’re mandated as to when and what maintenance has to be done,” Fleetwood said. “The [Route] 346 tower is in that cycle now where it needs to be done.”
He added that maintenance on the Franklin Avenue tower was completed a few years ago.
There currently is not a timeline for the maintenance, but Fleetwood said town residents will be notified in advance of taking the Route 346 tower offline.
When the Route 346 water tower was taken out of service for maintenance earlier this month, the problems of water pressure from the water tower on Franklin Avenue started.
“We’re doing what we’re able because there’s condensation,” he said. “So, what the plan is … we’ve done some trouble shooting on what we believe to be the issue that caused that pressure to drop.”
Since then, both towers have been put back in service.
Fleetwood said he has not received complaints about low water pressure since Aug. 9.
The Water Division of Berlin’s Water Resources Department is responsible for the operation and maintenance of infrastructure, treatment and the water towers throughout the town.
To report any issues, contact Water Superintendent Marvin Smith at