Town’s response will affect meetings, offices, events
(March 19, 2020) Berlin Mayor Gee Williams issued a statement on Monday concerning COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and how it will affect town meetings and events.
To the Citizens and Guests of Berlin:
The Town of Berlin is actively monitoring the evolving situation regarding the COVID-19 (coronavirus) by working closely with the Worcester County Health Department and the Maryland Department of Health.

Berlin Mayor Gee Williams
We have been in regular contact with these health agencies in recent weeks and are carefully monitoring the evolving situation.
All decisions regarding the activities and functions that are the responsibility of the Town of Berlin are being done so in consultation with our county and state health agencies.
Effective immediately all town offices with public access will be closed to non-employees – locations include, but are not limited to, Town Hall, Planning and the Visitor Center. All departments will remain staffed with regular business hours.
Utility bill payments may be made online via our website or by utilizing the drop boxes located at Town Hall. Call 410-641-2770 for further information.
For all Planning Department applications and permits, call 410-629-1483 or 410-641-4143.
Utility bills will continue to be generated during this situation, however interest and penalties will be waived for the time-being and disconnections of service will be on hold. At the end of the waiver period, full payment will be required to avoid further charges.
The Town of Berlin is cancelling the following scheduled meetings:
Mayor and Council Meeting – March 23 and April 13
Historic District Commission Meeting – April 1
Board of Appeals – April 1
Parks Commission – April 7
Planning Commission – April 8
The following public events are canceled, but may be rescheduled at the organizer’s discretion:
Makers Market – April 10
Spring Celebration – April 11
Clean-Up Day – April 18
Berlin Little League Day – April 18
At this time no further disruptions or reductions of town services are planned, with the exception of Bulk Waste Collection for April 22 and 29, which will be rescheduled to a later date to be announced.
If there is any further cancellation of meetings or events conducted by our municipality, then the Town of Berlin will immediately contact all local news media, post such notifications on our town website:, Facebook page, Public Access Channel and display notices outside of Town Hall.
Information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is displayed on our town website. Any alerts or additional information about the Coronavirus that pertains to Worcester County will also be posted to our website.
The town encourages citizens to refer to the following websites for the latest information on the pandemic:
Worcester County Health Department:
Maryland Department of Health:
Centers for Disease Control:
As the situation changes, we urge all our citizens and guests in our community to make decisions with an abundance of caution, but not succumb to panic.
Please temper any fear you may have with informed reason.
This is a time when we as the extended family of Berlin can easily share credible information, provide emotional support for friends and neighbors and work every day to make informed, measured and reasonable responses together.
Mayor Wm. Gee Williams III
Town of Berlin, Maryland