The newly composed Pocomoke Council is seated after one reelected and one newly elected member is sworn in. Also notable, Mayor Bruce Morrison was back in his seat for the first time since suffering a brain injury in November. Pictured, from left, are Todd Nock, Dale Trotter, Esther Troast, Mayor Bruce Morrison, Diane Downing and George Tasker.

Reelected Pocomoke Councilwoman Esther Troast, right, is sworn in by Mayor Bruce Morrison. Also pictured is Morrison’s wife, Laura.

Newly elected Pocomoke Councilman Todd Nock, right, is sworn in by Mayor Bruce Morrison. Also pictured is Morrison’s wife, Laura.
By Josh Davis, Associate Editor
(April 12, 2018) As expected, Pocomoke Mayor Bruce Morrison was present on Monday during the swearing in at City Hall of newly elected District 4 Councilman Todd Nock and reelected District 5 Councilwoman Esther Troast.
It was the first time Morrison sat on the council since suffering a hematoma that caused a brain bleed in November.
Morrison did not speak publicly during the meeting, but was able to stand, with help from his wife, Laura, during the swearing-in ceremony.
Troast, the acting mayor as first vice president of the council, started the meeting by introducing a special guest, as Morrison entered to loud applause.
“This is surely a special occasion,” Troast said. “The mayor is back, I get sworn in again, and we welcome a new member to the council, Todd Nock. So, let’s take a deep breath and enjoy the evening.”
Troast also recited the prayer, a longstanding tradition at the outset of Pocomoke City Council meetings. She asked the capacity crowd in the City Council Chambers to join hands.
“Dear heavenly father, we come here tonight to this chamber to celebrate our mayor coming back, which is a glorious time,” she said. “We also are here to celebrate moving forward and, continuing to move forward, we ask that you put your hands on each one of our shoulders that are in charge in leading this city and bless us, and make us make the right decisions on a daily basis, and pray that we do nothing but move forward for the betterment of this city.
“Jesus, we’re counting on you to make this happen,” Troast continued. “In Jesus’ name I pray, we pray, we all pray, amen.”
Troast presented a certificate on behalf of the council to outgoing District 4 Councilman Brian Hirshman “for his three-year service to the city.”
She was sworn in first, followed by Nock, who received a standing ovation after taking the oath of office.
Nock’s first official vote was to reconfirm Troast as the first vice president. He then moved to nominate District 2 Councilwoman Diane Downing to continue as the second vice president of the council. Both votes were unanimous.
“I accept that position and I promise I’ll do my duty to work as hard as I can,” Troast said.
“Ditto!” Downing added.