Photo by Greg Ellison
File photo. Enhanced signage to discourage people from offering food to resident Canada geese propagating at the South Gate Pond in Ocean Pines has been proposed by the Environmental and Natural Assets Committee.
The Ocean Pines Recreation and Parks Committee is awaiting word to see if an old kayak launch recently discovered on the Route 90 walking trail can be brought back to life.
Sharon Santacroce, Environmental Committee chair, stopped by the May 9 Recreation and Parks for an update on what her committee is working on. While working on the pond and trail that shoots off the Route 90 trail behind the Ocean Pines Branch of the Worcester County Library, they discovered the “grown-over” kayak launch, recalled Recreation and Parks Chair Patti Stevens.
“There’s a kayak launch on that little hidden pond down there that they hope, in the summertime, once maintenance gets caught up, can see about clearing it and see if it’s still useable,” she said.
Santacroce also said that water quality tests on the South Gate pond have indicated that there has not been a significant deterioration due to goose droppings, but signs nonetheless will be posted around the area to discourage people from feeding the geese, Stevens said.
As for Recreation and Parks itself, Stevens said that the kayak rack project, which will install kayak racks on the exterior fence of the Ocean Pines Swim and Racquet Club, is moving along.
“Once they’re mounted, there will be an announcement to those who have indicated interest on the waiting list and others,” Stevens said. “It will then push out to the community for seasonal rental. We expect it to be 18 spots.”
Plans have also been received from Showell-based Vista Engineering for a floating kayak launch to be installed at Pintail Park, which is expected to be completed in 2023.
“The committee had some questions about the steepness of the ramp during low tide when the water is low,” Stevens said. “We wanted to make sure that the ramp and kayak launch would be ADA accessible.”
There are several upcoming events sponsored by the committee.
The is a community bike ride on Saturday at 4 p.m. for riders ages 12 and up or children who have experience riding with their parents. Riders must wear helmets. The 12-mile ride starts and ends at the Ocean Pines Racquet Center. The ride is part of a celebration of National Bike Month.
There is a sunset paddle planned for May 22 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Participants bring their own kayak or paddleboard and must bring a life jacket. The cost is $10 per paddler.
There are two community walks scheduled for June 4 on National Trails Day, hosted by residents Kathryn and Ralph Ferris. The walk begins on the Robin Hood Trail at 9:30 a.m. Resident Bill Barnard will host the other walk, on the trail behind the library parking lot, at 1 p.m. Participants can register by calling the Ocean Pines Recreation Department at 410-641-7052.
This story appears in the print version of Bayside Gazette on May 19, 2022.