The Berlin mayor and council discuss various ordinances and motions during their June 12 meeting.
By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Writer
(June 5, 2023) The Berlin mayor and Town Council approved numerous ordinances and motions during their meeting on Monday.
The most notable of these requires all enterprises that do business within the corporate limits of Berlin to have an annual business licenses, regardless of whether the business is physically located in Berlin. The ordinance passed unanimously.
Also passing unanimously was a measure that allows the town of Berlin to enter into an access agreement with the Maryland and Delaware Railroad for the location of underground utilities that will serve the Evans Parc Venture.
The agreement will become effective when Evans Parc completes construction of the utilities and the town accepts the utilities into its Water/sewer system. The motion was passed unanimously.
A related measure will allow the town to enter into an agreement to reimburse Evans Parc for the annual and ongoing payment of Railroad license agreement fees associated with the project located at 9413 Evans Road.
Following that track, the council approved a draft license agreement with the Maryland and Delaware Railroad for the future Berlin Bikeways Project. The agreement is currently under review by the railroad and changes could be made, followed by a review by the town attorney.
In other matters, the council awarded Goody Hill Groundwork a $766,000 contract to upgrade smart water meters. The final costs of the project will depend on the actual installation work.
Lastly, the council approved a measure that will allow the Town of Berlin to become the first municipality in the state to sponsor an electrical line worker/meter technician training program. Becoming a sponsor is expected to create more opportunities for grant funding and enhance employee recruitment and retention.