Members of the Ocean Pines Marine Activities Committee on Tuesday voted to recommend replacing an old sign at the White Horse Park boat launch.
By Josh Davis, Associate Editor
(Sept. 20, 2018) While parking has at times been difficult to come by at the White Horse Park boat launch in Ocean Pines, an advisory committee on Tuesday decided not to pursue new enforcement or security measures there.
Members of the Marine Activities Committee voted to recommend installing new signs. Several other options were discussed, but the committee decided not to pursue additional action.
The issue had been debated for months and the board of directors in July issued a call for help, asking homeowners to assist in collecting launch usage data.
According to committee members on Tuesday, there are 21 spaces for cars and trailers at the boat launch.
“In addition, there is room around the edges and, on a number of occasions, the slots were totally filled up and cars or trailers could park on the edge without interfering with the ability to get in and out. But, obviously, it’s limited space there,” committee member Fred Stiehl said.
Stiehl said committee members, with some assistance from the Ocean City Power Squadron and Ocean Pines Boat Club, counted cars on Fridays, Saturdays and during holidays throughout the summer. He added data was not collected on whether boat-launch users were Ocean Pines residents or were coming from other areas.
“Frankly, we didn’t want to get into a situation where we were talking to the boat trailer operator and maybe get into an argument as to ‘why were you here?’” he said. “We felt that was better dealt with by someone else.
“Really what this shows is what the usage is – it does not show whether the usage is by unauthorized people or not,” Stiehl added.
On about five dates, the appointed volunteer either forgot about his or her duties or “the dog ate his homework,” Stiehl said. Based on committee research, parking was over capacity on about a dozen days.
“Clearly, there were days here that exceeded the capacity of certainly the slots – it came close to exceeding the capacity of the entire lot,” he said. “We need to think about it and decide whether this suggests to us that there’s a problem that needs to be addressed, or it’s a problem on some, few days in the summer.
Committee Chairman Timothy Mullin said a sign at the boat launch is difficult to read, and improving that should be part of a solution.
The current sign reads:
Ocean Pines Association
Boat Ramp
Private Property
No Trespassing
Ocean Pines
Property Owners
and Guests Only
“I spoke to a couple people that weren’t residents there … I said, ‘did you see the sign?’ And they said, ‘what sign?’” he said. “That sign is not very visible. It’s two colors of brown … the first thing we ought to do is put up a sign that will get your attention.”
Mullin went on to say installing a gate with key-card entry would likely be both cost prohibitive and a major hassle, while others said requiring parking stickers would be difficult to enforce and might even require some legislation at the county level.
Complicating matters, Director Slobodan Trendic, the committee liaison, said Resolution M-02 on amenity policies defines the boat launch as a “fee-based amenity.”
“It hasn’t really been applied,” Trendic said. “I think, perhaps, you as a committee … maybe [should] provide the board with your recommendation, is this something that needs to be enforced or taken out?
“As a committee, we kind of look at you as the subject matter experts in this area,” he continued. “I think whatever you decide as a committee, the board will take under consideration.”
With the busy season now effectively over, Stiehl indicated there is time for further discussion, but encouraged a committee recommendation to the board.
“Do we think [parking] it’s a problem? If it’s a problem, what are the choices for recommendations? Larger lot? Gate? Sticker? Going to the county to get enforcement authority? The board needs to hear from us,” he said, adding, “I’m inclined to think that this doesn’t require any further action – except for the sign, for now.”
Committee member Roger West offered a solution: “I recommend we put the signs up and don’t waste any more of our time on it.”
The vote was five in favor and three members abstained.
The committee is schedule to meet again on Oct. 16 at 10 a.m. in the administration building on 239 Ocean Parkway.