Slobodan Trendic
By Morgan Pilz, Staff Writer
(April 18, 2019) Although Slobodan Trendic resigned from the Ocean Pines Board of Directors last week, he is not getting out of community politics. This week he said he wants to “make Ocean Pines great again” with a town hall meeting at the Ocean Pines Library on Monday.
Elected in 2016, Trendic was in the final year of his first three-year term and would have been eligible for re-election this August, but submitted his resignation letter on Wednesday, April 11.
Trendic said he has several plans to “jumpstart interest in the community.” He said he wants the community to become more involved in the affairs of Ocean Pines, “and that includes the board and the management of Ocean Pines.”
“What my hope is, is to build a momentum that will create a grassroots effort to bring people together,” Trendic said. He added that he wants the decision-making process by the board and the management to be more transparent so the community can hold decision-makers more accountable.
Of specific interest to Trendic and one of the topics he intends to focus on at his meeting, which is scheduled from 7-9 p.m., is the board’s decision to spend $3.185 million to expand the police and administration building, rebuild the golf and country club house and replace the golf cart barn.
Slobodan abstained from voting on the expansion projects, and voted against the contracts to replace the clubhouse and cart barn at the board’s April 6 meeting. He also made a motion to require the board to bring the clubhouse and cart barn issue to referendum. His motion failed to gain a second and resigned because of that four days later.
In his letter of resignation, Trendic said, ““Your unwillingness to second my motion for discussion and your rejection of my proposed referendum leads me to make this difficult decision.
“These kinds of decisions have a long-term impact on the entire association not just from financial point of view, but also from a perspective of our priorities,” Trendic said. “How does any of these projects improve the community as a whole? It really comes down to the question of investing and prioritizing.”
Trendic said his meeting is open to all and that he hopes homeowners can have a productive discussion of all topics.
“This is an all-inclusive meeting,” Trendic said. “I am calling for all homeowners to take part in this so that we can have a productive, genuine and informative discussion on all this topics and what matters to homeowners.”
Meanwhile, members of the board of directors offered their farewell wishes to the departing board member.
“I am sorry you have chosen to resign,” Vice President Steve Tuttle said. “I first got to know you as the liaison to the election committee when I served on the committee. You were a great help to the committee and me personally as we were all new to the committee and the OPA election process.
“We have certainly disagreed on a number of issues over the few months I have been on the board but that is to be expected in any board,” he continued. “It is the disagreement that actually drives a board to the best decisions. I wish you well in your “retirement” from the board.”
Director Esther Diller said she was “very sorry to see this resignation from you and the reasons,” while Director Colette Horn said, “I am sorry you found yourself in need of taking this action in response to a failure of your colleagues to consider a motion you set before them for consideration. I wish to acknowledge the diligence with which you worked as a director on behalf of the Association and its membership and generously gave a significant amount of time to research and comment on a range of issues that came before us for consideration.”
President Doug Parks, who often butted heads with Trendic during meetings, also offered farewell wishes.
“Thank you for your service to the community,” Parks began in his own statement. “Although you and I disagreed on a regular basis, those situations are only associated with the business of Ocean Pines and does not cross into non-OPA related issues.”
Trendic’s resignation leaves just one incumbent, Esther Diller, eligible for election this year as Ted Moroney resigned earlier last month.
As to the board’s need to fill the vacancy created by Trendic’s departure, Director Steve Tuttle said the association bylaws stipulate that any vacancy on the board 90 days or more before the annual meeting must be filled by a board majority vote within 30 days.
A replacement is expected to be announced during the next formal board meeting, which will take place on Saturday, May 4.
The annual meeting is scheduled for Aug. 10, a day after the results of this year’s election will be announced. So far, no one has filed for election to one of the three open seats, with three weeks left before the May 10 filing deadline.