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Ocean Pines Association Briefs

(June 2, 2016) The Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors discussed the following items during a meeting in the community center last Thursday.
The board was down two directors during the meeting, although President Pat Renaud participated via telephone.
Director Tom Terry said Renaud was at home recovering from an illness. Terry filled in for the position during his absence.
“I’m 95 percent back, but I’m not quite enough,” Renaud said. “I don’t think I could last a two-hour meeting.”
“With me running the meeting, we’ll probably go five hours,” Terry deadpanned.
Vice President Cheryl Jacobs was also not present during the meeting. Terry said her absence was because of a “family illness/semi emergency that she had to respond to.”
Capital purchases
With one director out and six remaining, several votes on capital purchases ended in a tie and must be addressed during a closed session. Among the proposed purchases were the food truck and several new mowers for the golf course, both of which failed to pass with 3-3 stalemate. Both items were approved in the fiscal year 2017 budget by slim margins and are expected to pass when Jacobs returns.
Several other items, including new awnings for the tiki bar at the yacht club and repaving the parking lot at the Mumford’s Landing Pool, were approved by a 6-0 vote.
Project updates
Terry said the budget and finance committee was reviewing Ocean Pines’ investment strategy and investing in longer term CDARS, or Certificate of Deposit Account Registry Service.
He said he would report in July.
An overhaul of the CPI, or Compliance Permit Inspection process, is almost being examined. This would likely involve changes to resolution M-01 and would attempt to shorten the process, which, as it is now written, last anywhere from several months to more than a year.
Pending action list
Director Dave Stevens reviewed several pending items, most of which had already been addressed during the meeting before the list came up on the agenda.
Stevens said the purpose of the list was to help provide clarity and give updates on association business.
“Too often we meet and come to a conclusion, but nothing happens,” he said.
One item that had not yet been addressed was the in-progress reserve study, which needs updated financial numbers. The board expects to hold at least one work session on the subject.