Ocean Pines Association board members discussed community safety measures, racquet sports, and construction projects and updates at their latest meeting on Feb. 17.

Annual meeting held Feb. 17
By Tara Fischer, Staff Writer
The Ocean Pines Association’s Board of Directors held an open meeting on Feb. 17 to address ongoing and upcoming initiatives.
Safety is a priority for the OPA. Chief of Police Tim Robinson said the neighborhood’s law enforcement has partnered with the Worcester County Bicycle and Pedestrian Coalition to evaluate new preventive measures, such as speed surveys throughout the community. Some assessments will be completed remotely, while others will be done on-site with officers.
Crosswalks have also been added to Ocean Pines. The Maryland Department of Transportation helped construct a path between Manklin Creek and Racetrack Road for pedestrian and bicyclist access to Food Lion. At the same time, other foot routes were built between Cathell and Ocean Parkway and through the Camelot Walking Trail. Lines and speed bumps were placed by The Manklin Racquet Center. General Manager John Viola said these adjustments were developed after community criticism.
As for racquet sports, Viola said a prototype fence was installed along the line from the Manklin Creek baseball field to the pickleball court to prevent trespassers. After receiving feedback, OPA will evaluate the need for a permanent barrier. The board has estimated the cost to fall between $17,000 and $22,000.
Maintenance is at the top of the governing body’s list. The general manager said that 35 sections of ditches have been cleaned within the last eight months by outside contractors for $102,210. “We’re seeing many excellent and positive results,” he said.
The expansion of the Yacht Club Tiki Bar, which will add additional service to the pool area, was discussed. The county is reviewing the plans, and OPA hopes to have secured the permit within the next few weeks. Viola informed that public works staff are running a conduit for new electrical service, and Choptank Electric has plans to install a new transformer. Materials for the project have been ordered, and the Board of Directors is confident the development will be finalized by Memorial Day.
The general manager and his team met with Whayland, a contractor based in Laurel, Delaware, on Jan. 30, to discuss design options for the proposed 40-foot pavilion at the Veteran Memorial Park. Once the permit is obtained, OPA intends to begin the work. It is expected to be completed by May 10.
Along those same lines, the board focuses on community beautification, and Viola is forming a work group to create a standard for the new electronic signage on OPA-owned property. “We’re going to list the signs by categories,” he said. “See what is regulatory. See what the county and the state say we need to do. We want to be more consistent.”
To conclude the meeting, OPA confirmed the appointments of new and returning committee members. Don Bonafede is set to begin his second term in Budget and Finance, John Cacchio will start his first tenure for Marine Activities, Connie Corbett and Cindy Hoffman are joining the Communications group, and Camilla Rogers has been named a member of the Bylaws and Resolutions assembly.
The next public gathering of the Board of Directors is set 9 a.m to noon, March 23.