(May 7, 2015) The Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors discussed several issues during a public meeting at the community center on Thursday, March 30.
Star Charities
A motion to refund Star Charities $450 spent in January on rental of the community center for a “beef and beer fundraiser” benefiting wounded combat veterans passed 5-1, with Parliamentarian Tom Terry abstaining and Director Sharyn O’Hare voting against.
During the debate over the motion, Terry successfully lobbied for a special meeting to work through the community’s facility usage policy regarding nonprofits. No date was set for the meeting.
First Reading F-01
Treasurer Jack Collins introduced the first reading of Resolution F-01 on investment guidelines in the community.
According to Collin’s motion, “Given that Resolution F-01 … was last reviewed in June 2009, a review with recommended amendments is warranted.”
The motion went on to state the primary changes were “the inclusion of the preservation of purchasing power as a secondary investment goal.”
The motion passed 4-3 with Clarke, Board President Dave Stevens and Director Bill Cordwell opposed. The motion will come up for a final vote during the next regular meeting.
Lifetime golf memberships
A motion to direct the general manager to stop the sales of lifetime memberships to the community golf course passed unanimously.
Previous rules allowed the sale of 30 such memberships.
According to the motion, “there are about [10] potential sales outstanding” with an operational impact of “roughly a $50,000 loss in annual revenues.”
Board application deadline
The boarded voted 6-0 to extend the deadline for applications for candidates on the board of directors to Monday, May 11. Clarke abstained from the vote.
Cease proxies
A motion to do away with proxy forms in voter packets passed unanimously. The forms came under scrutiny after Elections Committee Chair Bill Wentworth told the board in April that 65 ballots were rejected during the last cycle due to their inclusion in proxy envelopes.
In Ocean Pines, ballots and ballot envelopes contain identical codes used to identify property owners. Without both codes, votes cannot be counted.
Committee appointments
The board approved four committee appointments during the meeting.
Lawrence Malone became the third member of the Architectural Review Committee, joining Chair Glenn Duffy and Lisa Schwartz. Duffy was also reappointed to the committee for a second term.
Other appointments included Frank Danowski on the Elections Committee, and Brad Gibson to the Recreation and Parks Committee.
Star Charities
A motion to refund Star Charities $450 spent in January on rental of the community center for a “beef and beer fundraiser” benefiting wounded combat veterans passed 5-1, with Parliamentarian Tom Terry abstaining and Director Sharyn O’Hare voting against.
During the debate over the motion, Terry successfully lobbied for a special meeting to work through the community’s facility usage policy regarding nonprofits. No date was set for the meeting.
First Reading F-01
Treasurer Jack Collins introduced the first reading of Resolution F-01 on investment guidelines in the community.
According to Collin’s motion, “Given that Resolution F-01 … was last reviewed in June 2009, a review with recommended amendments is warranted.”
The motion went on to state the primary changes were “the inclusion of the preservation of purchasing power as a secondary investment goal.”
The motion passed 4-3 with Clarke, Board President Dave Stevens and Director Bill Cordwell opposed. The motion will come up for a final vote during the next regular meeting.
Lifetime golf memberships
A motion to direct the general manager to stop the sales of lifetime memberships to the community golf course passed unanimously.
Previous rules allowed the sale of 30 such memberships.
According to the motion, “there are about [10] potential sales outstanding” with an operational impact of “roughly a $50,000 loss in annual revenues.”
Board application deadline
The boarded voted 6-0 to extend the deadline for applications for candidates on the board of directors to Monday, May 11. Clarke abstained from the vote.
Cease proxies
A motion to do away with proxy forms in voter packets passed unanimously. The forms came under scrutiny after Elections Committee Chair Bill Wentworth told the board in April that 65 ballots were rejected during the last cycle due to their inclusion in proxy envelopes.
In Ocean Pines, ballots and ballot envelopes contain identical codes used to identify property owners. Without both codes, votes cannot be counted.
Committee appointments
The board approved four committee appointments during the meeting.
Lawrence Malone became the third member of the Architectural Review Committee, joining Chair Glenn Duffy and Lisa Schwartz. Duffy was also reappointed to the committee for a second term.
Other appointments included Frank Danowski on the Elections Committee, and Brad Gibson to the Recreation and Parks Committee.