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Ocean Pines Bylaws Committee reviews election issues

By Greg Ellsion

(July 29, 2021) The Ocean Pines Bylaws & Resolutions Committee discussed the ongoing viability of the Search Committee during its meeting last Friday.

Committee Chairman Jim Trummel said a bylaws review work group has delved into section 5.02 related to formation of a Search Committee, which is tasked with finding board candidates for annual elections.

“They said if the Search Committee is no longer a viable option section [5.02b/c] should be removed and more appropriate language added that promotes advertising for candidates for the board,” he said

During the most recent bylaws work group meeting a suggestion to dissolve the Search Committee was weighed and forwarded to the Bylaws Committee for input.

“There are two options I see, one is take out the section … or look for means to make the Search Committee more viable,” he said.

Despite the work group espousing elimination, Trummel questioned the move.

“I’m going to suggest that’s not the right approach for us to take,” he said.

To launch the investigation, Trummel previously sent a series of related questions to the Search Committee, as well as the Elections and Communications committees.

“Each has responded,” he said.

Trummel said the Search Committee reply was part of an annual report outlining its actions due by June 30.

Trummel said both the Elections and Communications committee’s responses indicated a preference to limit their role to present duties.

Additionally, Trummel said the Communications Committee indicated a willingness to participate in election efforts but not as a substitute for the Search Committee.

The Elections Committee sought to deal solely with conducting the contest, while not soliciting candidates to avoid any suggestion of conflict.

Further, Trummel said the Search Committee’s reply recommended deleting the group due to an expectation of continued difficulties with recruiting board candidates.

Committee member Lora Pangratz recommended requesting the Search Committee compile additional options.

“If we’re saying we’re not going to accept dissolving this committee,” she said.

Trummel questioned that approach, noting the Search Committee, which is mandated for five members, has a mere pair of participants this year.

Bylaws provisions mandate the association president appoint the committee by Feb. 1 each year.

“Not to disregard those two people but it is less than a full committee,” he said.

Prior to 2008, when the Search Committee was created, association bylaws included a provision for a Nominating Committee.

In recent years, the Search Committee has not functioned efficiently, either not forming or having less than the mandated five members.

“The Search Committee has been dysfunctional the last several years,” he said.

Committee member Keith Kaiser said the ultimate decision should fall to the bylaws work group and the Search Committee.

“We’re not suppose to be making the rules, we’re just suppose to be documenting them,” he said.

Trummel offered to compile the groups’ discussion points into an email to solicit next steps from the work group.

“When it’s finalized between us we will forward to the bylaws work group,” he said.