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Ocean Pines issues bus safety reminders

As kids officially returned to schools, Ocean Pines officials are promoting safety during school bus encounters among changes to the educational system’s transportation methods.

OPVFD bus safety graphic

A graphic from the Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department shows when and how motorists should stop for school buses.
Graphic courtesy Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department

By Tara Fischer, Staff Writer

As kids officially returned to the classroom, Worcester County leaders urge students, parents, and residents to practice safety during school bus encounters and note changes to the educational system’s transportation method.

Drivers across the county must follow all traffic rules when approaching a school bus. In Ocean Pines, first responders prompt residents to practice extra caution during the academic year to avoid unfortunate or tragic incidents.

Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department President Joe Enste reminds residents that most of Ocean Parkway is a divided highway. As such, vehicles driving in the same direction must stop completely when coming upon a school bus drop-off or pick-up. Drivers traveling in the opposite lane are to proceed with caution. Preferably, cars are to slow down in this situation.

While a median runs the length of much of the Ocean Pines roadway, Enste emphasized that many areas on Ocean Parkway lack a center divider, like from St. Martin’s Lane to 32o Ocean Parkway and on all intersections and side streets. In these cases, vehicles on both sides of the road must yield while kids get on and off the bus.

The fire company president notes that distractions often cause traffic incidents. Drivers should put away phones, headphones, and anything that takes their attention from the road, especially during peak school bus pick-up and drop-off times.

“It’s crucial to stay focused, especially on side streets where unexpected dangers can arise,” he said. “Always remain vigilant and remember—we must share the road to keep everyone safe.”

Enste also provides safety tips for students and parents. While waiting for the bus, kids should stand to the side of the road near a street sign and must be aware of the traffic around them and “never assume that vehicles will stop for pedestrians.” During drop-off, children should take five “giant steps,” roughly 10 feet away from the bus, to stay in the driver’s view and always pay attention to the operator’s instructions during the journey to and from school.

As back-to-school season approaches and traffic congestion increases each year, the OPFVD asks the community to use extra caution on the road. Last week, the fire company posted a graphic on Facebook indicating when drivers must stop for a bus. The image can be viewed on the department’s page.

“At the end of the day, everyone needs to slow down and remain fully attentive to their surroundings,” Enste said. “Tragic accidents can happen in an instant, often due to distractions that can easily be avoided… distractions, such as using a phone while driving, can have life-altering consequences. Let’s commit to staying focused and driving carefully—especially near school buses and bus stops—so that no one else has to experience a devastating loss.”

This story appears in the Sept. 12, 2024, print edition of the Bayside Gazette.