The Ocean Pines Racquet Center reopened just after 10 a.m., March 25, after an initial investigation did not turn up any evidence of mold. The center closed temporarily March 24 in response to concerns from residents about unsafe conditions.

The Ocean Pines Racquet Center, pictured here in operation, was temporarily closed March 24 after concerns of unsafe conditions were shared during an association board meeting.
Photo courtesy Ocean Pines Racquet Center via Facebook
Ocean Pines Association General Manager John Viola announced in a news release just just after 10 a.m., March 25, that the racquet center would reopen after an initial investigation did not find any evidence of mold.
The release said players will not be required to check in on a temporary basis as association officials work on a check-in process.
The building will remain closed as Ocean Pines Public Works staff inspect it. The release said an initial assessment on March 25 did not find any instances of mold. Officials will also bring in an environmental consultant to test the building for mold.
Bathrooms will also be closed, but signs will direct players to a portable toilet near the adjacent dog park.
Officials also consulted the association’s insurance specialist, who cleared the center for reopening, despite the continued closure of the building.
Original story:
Ocean Pines racquet center temporarily closed for unsafe conditions
Officials assessing situation to determine path to reopen
Concerns about mold and unsafe conditions raised during the Ocean Pines Association’s March 23 board meeting led to a temporary closure of the racquet center over the weekend.
Officials said in a news release Monday morning that association officials are taking steps to determine if the center can reopen without using the racquet center building and facilities.
The release said officials scheduled a call with insurance carriers Monday morning.
“During this call, OPA will seek confirmation from insurance carriers about the potential for reopening the center in a manner that ensures the safety and well-being of all users, even without access to the Racquet Center building and its bathrooms,” the release said.
After the call, officials will issue another announcement detailing next steps and relevant updates.