(March 26, 2015) The Ocean Pines Association won three Maryland Recreation and Parks Association (MRPA) Showcase Awards for its 2014 marketing materials during the 18th annual MRPA Conference Awards Breakfast, April 16 at the Carousel on 118th Street in Ocean City.
OPA will be in attendance to accept the following awards: Best Social Media– Ocean Pines Farmers Market Facebook Page, Best Photo – “Goose Reflections” and Best website – www.oceanpines.org for Populations less than 50,000.
MRPA Agency Awards showcase and recognize the best marketing and promotions materials in the state. Entrants are judged by art, marketing and communications professionals that are non-MRPA members.
The Best Social Media award is for the best interactive marketing including: social networking sites, blogs, wikis and video sharing sites. Entries were judged on content, design, ease of use, currency and public input. The Facebook page is managed by market manager, David Bean and volunteers.
The Best Photo award is for the best photo that promotes the value of Maryland parks and recreation and was judged on creativity, composition and quality. The photo was taken by resident and volunteer, Jim Freeman.
The Best Website award is for the agency that best communicates and promotes the value of public recreation and parks on the Internet. Entries were judged on content, design, ease of use and currency of information.
OPA will be in attendance to accept the following awards: Best Social Media– Ocean Pines Farmers Market Facebook Page, Best Photo – “Goose Reflections” and Best website – www.oceanpines.org for Populations less than 50,000.
MRPA Agency Awards showcase and recognize the best marketing and promotions materials in the state. Entrants are judged by art, marketing and communications professionals that are non-MRPA members.
The Best Social Media award is for the best interactive marketing including: social networking sites, blogs, wikis and video sharing sites. Entries were judged on content, design, ease of use, currency and public input. The Facebook page is managed by market manager, David Bean and volunteers.
The Best Photo award is for the best photo that promotes the value of Maryland parks and recreation and was judged on creativity, composition and quality. The photo was taken by resident and volunteer, Jim Freeman.
The Best Website award is for the agency that best communicates and promotes the value of public recreation and parks on the Internet. Entries were judged on content, design, ease of use and currency of information.