By Ally Lanasa, Staff Writer

Chesapeake Environmental Services has removed the contaminated soil on West Street in Berlin after a heating oil tank spilled on Oct. 30. After digging up the driveway of 105 West St., Chesapeake Environmental Services has replaced the stones.
(Nov. 19, 2020) Chesapeake Environmental Services completed the main excavation of a heating oil spill on West Street in Berlin last Monday after the contents of the tank were released when someone apparently tried to remove it from 107 West St. on Oct. 30.
As of Tuesday, the people who attempted to take the oil tank and caused the spill have not been identified.
Beau Williams, operations manager at Chesapeake Environmental Services, added that the contaminated soil has been removed and replaced.
Brad Conlan, the homeowner of 105 West St., said a portion of his garden had to be dug out because the soil was polluted.
In addition, his driveway had to be repaired following the spill.
Conlan said Chesapeake Environmental Services put the topsoil back down and spread grass seed in the area as well as placed stone in the driveway.
However, his shrubs have not been replanted.
Oil has been extracted from the storm drain on the street and residue in the ditch that runs from West Street to Main Street is being soaked up with absorbent socks.
Williams added that Chesapeake Environmental Services will continue to monitor the site and the stormwater drainage after a few rainfalls.