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OP communication advisory group eyeing expanded role

(Nov. 19, 2015) Committee chairs from several advisory groups in Ocean Pines held an executive council meeting last Thursday to brief the association board directors, including President Pat Renaud, on upcoming agendas.
Speaking during a phone interview on Friday, Renaud said one of the things that stood out to him during the meeting was the direction of new Communications Chair Jenny Cropper Rines.
“She felt the committee was more than just trying to make signage, and I agree with her,” Renaud said. “She’s going to work up some kind of a plan to get us all to communicate with one another.
“She also said [the committees] should get together more often and I said that was true,” Renaud added.
Rines, 42, said she would like to develop a committee orientation, similar to the sessions new board members attend each year that includes a briefing on OPA bylaws and a tour of the facilities.  
To help the volunteer committees, Rines said she would like to inform new members about advisory group roles and objectives, how to effectively gather and share information, and how they can communicate with the board, the general manager and other committees.
“I’m a new committee chair and I kind of stepped in and went, ‘OK, how do I do this,’” Rines said. “That’s our main objective, to eliminate some of that uncertainty.”
Rines said she would also like to put together a “how to” public relations seminar for the various clubs and groups in the community, with a target date of spring 2016.
Last year, several directors openly complained about the lack of dialog between the advisory committees and the board. Rines, a native of Ocean Pines, is hoping her efforts help clear up some of those issues.
“We’re looking at what the objectives of the committee are and we’re saying, well, we think that is to help communications amongst the committees and the members, and the board and the members,” Rines said. “So, we’re looking for things that would help us be more effective in general. That’s would be what I would say is different than what we’ve done in the past.
“Normal stuff for this committee has been things like working on the health fair and that sort of thing, but we’re trying to help with communications. That seems more in line with the actual objective of the committee,” she added.
Since the new board was installed in August, the committee has met twice. Rines said board of directors member Cheryl Jacobs, the committee’s liaison, has been an active and helpful part of the group. She added that Renaud seemed to be on board with her vision.
“He offered some suggestions and thought that it would be a helpful agenda,” she said.
The committee will meet next on Dec. 10 at 8 a.m. in the Administrative Building.