By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer

Ocean Pines Golf Course FILE PHOTO
The Ocean Pines Golf Committee met on June 21 and discussed the following items:
The Sand Dawgs, a group of Ocean Pines golfers who help with maintenance around the golf course, found in a review given by Dawgs member Nelson Fenwick that the group has all holes covered and substitutions were available if needed.
The condition of the course is a work in process, as brush and tree removal are ongoing but nearing completion. The committee thanked the maintenance teams led by John Malinowski and Justin Hearthstone for the improvements around the course and maintenance efforts.
The trademark teak benches that have dotted the course since 2008 are back after being out for repair and upkeep. The committee wants at least two benches per nine holes placed on the course for walkers.
New items for the committee included addressing split and damaged course rakes, a shortage of sand refill bottles and repairing the hole-13 gazebo.
It was suggested that basic cart and golf course rules and etiquette be posted on golf carts. The committee also raised questions regarding the extent of the course ranger’s authority and whether sandboxes should be on all tees — both questions need clarification, the committee ruled.
The committee is also taking a look at what it calls “best practices” — does it have them, are they being used and review them on submission from “professionals.”
“We’re just trying to improve the golf experience, not only for residents but everyone who plays golf here,” said committee chair Fritz Lahner. “That’s the goal of our committee.”
This story appears in the print version of the Bayside Gazette on June 30, 2022.