‘Maximizing’ money stream tops committee’s wish list
By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer

The Ocean Pines Racquet Sports Committee met on June 9 and discussed ways to better record and maximize the revenue streaming into its amenities.
“Membership numbers are doing really well,” said board liaison Amy Peck. “The committee discussed (attendance) numbers. When people check in for sports, it’s not tracked whether they’re playing one or multiple sports. We’re also interested in checking the times of day (to see when) is most popular.”
Peck said in turn they could look at dull periods and brainstorm ways to attract more people during those hours. They’d also like to better track “drop-in” players.
“The committee is being very proactive in increasing membership, play and having real data for decision-making in the future,” she said. “We’re making sure they’re capturing all the revenue they can and making sure players are playing.”
The group is also forming a subcommittee to do a facility-wide survey for members, about the Racquet Center. The subcommittee is comprised of representatives from each of the paddle sports and plans to focus on what their players want, their needs and what can be done with the Racquet Center.
Peck said that there’s no timetable currently for pushing out that survey.
In other news, the recently redone pickleball courts are “looking great,” Peck said, and the first level of blacktop is proceeding on schedule. Other repairs are slated to be done on the courts, too.
In addition, the annual pickleball tournament was another success, she said.
“The tournament was great Saturday and Sunday,” Peck said. “This was in-house just for members. Very well participated. Sunday, unfortunately, got rained out for a bit — the doubles tournament specifically. It will be rescheduled.”
The Racquet Sports Committee next meets on July 14.
This story appears in the print version of the Bayside Gazette on June 16, 2022.
UPDATE: An earlier version of this article attributed Amy Peck’s quotes to Patti Stevens. The article has been updated.