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OP residents committee forming

(Aug. 19, 2021) Since moving to Ocean Pines last August, Sherrie Clifford has monitored community issues from the sidelines, but after the current board election went sideways the time for action seemed apparent to her.

Last Monday, Clifford launched the private Facebook group “Ocean Pines Town Hall,” which has gained more than 70 members in one week.

“Residents have questions and we need answers,” she said.

After relocating last year from West Deptford, New Jersey, Clifford gradually got up to speed on Pines community concerns by viewing board meetings online.

Clifford said the current election fiasco brought her out of her seat.

“You guys need to start over and throw this election out,” she said.

After conferring with administrators of the Ocean Pines Get Involved Facebook group, on Aug. 9 Clifford formed the “Town Hall” page, whose mission statement is to serve as an oversight committee to the Board of Directors.

“To eliminate the possibility of corruption,” she said.

Much as the congressional Financial Services Committee is tasked with oversight of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Clifford feels a board accountability entity is needed for the Ocean Pines Association.

“So these guys can’t just run rampant,” she said.

Clifford envisions forming a resident oversight committee, which would hold quarterly meetings to hash out community concerns requiring board attention. 

“We have to watch over the budget and get details,” she said.

Clifford said a wealth of details have yet to be sorted out, including naming the committee and establishing declaration of duties.

“It’s still forming,” she said.

The larger goal is providing a guiding force to champion residents’ concerns and keep the community informed, she said.

Clifford intends for the residents committee to communicate information to the board with the goal of obtaining answers or driving actions.

“No resident will be brushed off or silenced in our community,” she said.

One initial question heard online was how the “Town Hall” group differed from the “Ocean Pines Get Involved” page.

Clifford said the intent is to establish a committee beyond any web presence.

The committee would be open to full or part-time residents, with exact size and membership roles dependent on duties undertaken.

Ideally, Clifford would like to operate the committee in similar fashion to the board, with hybrid Zoom meetings to engage in person attendees and distanced viewers. 

Once a name is decided upon, Clifford intends to purchase a web domain and hopes to have the committee in place within 30 days.

Clifford said, ideally, committee leaders would establish an amicable working relationship with the Pines Board of Directors to monitor fiscal matters at the fundamental level.

“Our goal is to work closely with them,” she said.

To learn more visit Facebook and search for Ocean Pines Town Hall.