Signs are posted around the community to remind residents to vote in the August elections for the OPA Board of Directors.
By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Writer
(Aug. 24, 2023) Residents of Ocean Pines can watch Election Trust count the ballots for the Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors elections at 5 p.m. Thursday.
The count will be broadcast via zoom at us02web.zoom.us/j/84672869696?pwd=bDdIZHVNdDRwQW5oMGhPR1V0QzB2Zz09&from=addon
Tom Piatti, the chair of the Election Committee collected 58 ballots from the drop box on Tuesday evening for overnight delivery to Election Trust.
The company reported receiving 2909 ballots as of Tuesday.
“We have already exceeded last year’s voter participation,” Piatti said.
Ocean Pines will release the results of the elections after the count.
The new board will be seated after the annual meeting, when they will elect officers.
The annual meeting will be held Saturday at 9 a.m. at the Club House Meeting Room.
All residents will need a valid photo ID to get into the meeting. Either a driver’s license or membership i.d. with photo are acceptable.