Tara Fischer
Staff Writer
Ocean Pines officials late last month reflected on a year of community progress and achievements, including efforts to update the fire department’s South Side Station, add a gazebo at the veteran’s memorial and take steps toward amenity improvements.
At the Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors meeting on Dec. 21, the last assembly of 2024, association President Stuart Lakernick reviewed the association’s accom- plishments.
“This year has been filled with moments of challenge of triumph, but through it all, we have remained united in our commitment to supporting one another,” he said. “…We are a community bound by shared values, and this season of joy and celebration will remind us of our power when we all come together. I am proud when I look at the many achievements we accomplished this past year.”
Among the initiatives that got off the ground over the last 12 months is the memorandum of understanding between the OPA and the Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department for a new South Side Station at 911 Ocean Parkway in Ocean Pines. Signed in July, the agreement outlines arrangements for constructing the updated firehouse.
Per the MOU, “OPA shall manage the construction on the South Station Property of a newly constructed firehouse to be utilized exclusively by the Department…The firehouse shall be constructed to meet industry standards set forth by the National Fire Protection Association and all State and local regulatory requirements.”
The OPVFD will determine the design, interior dimensions, layout, color schemes, and furniture. OPA will have the power to approve these decisions. Upon the project’s completion, the department will pay all property taxes and maintenance associated with the South Station property and its improvements.
As for funding the new facility, the agreement determines that the fire company will use “grant and bond funds previously secured toward the project’s construction cost. The department shall also utilize funds raised through charitable fundraising efforts or otherwise available for the Department for the project.”
Ocean Pines will be responsible for the remaining costs, “subject to OPA having exclusive control over the ultimate cost and scope of the project, as well as management after that.”
In July, the fire company president said OPA General Manager John Viola is working on determining the next best steps for the new station and hopes construction will be underway in the next year or two.
Lakernick also acknowledged the new pavilion added to the Worcester County Veterans Memorial in Ocean Pines. The pavilion was unveiled on Nov. 11, Veterans Day.
That was the deadline the OPA and Whayland Company, the project’s contractor, were determined to meet, Lakernick said. The facility will be used by park visitors and students on field trips to the remembrance area.
Renovations to the racquet center building have been prioritized, Lackernick reported. The work, which is scheduled to begin this winter, will include upgrades to the bathrooms and the front pro shop. Plans are to finish the project by Memorial Day in May.
Other amenities to see improvements include the golf course. The facility’s irrigation project broke ground in September, replacing a failing 50-year-old system. Per a press release issued by OPA, the new system will be more efficient in terms of coverage and water usage.
Building the project’s first phase will likely take four years. It is set to include upgrades to the pump station, the first and ninth holes, and the driving range.
“As we head into the new year, let’s continue to be a source of strength and positivity to one another,” Lakernick said. “Let us carry forth the lessons learned, the connections made, and the generosity shared, knowing that the best is yet to come. Let’s enter this new chapter with hope and a renewed sense of purpose, making our community even better for all of us.”