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OPA Briefs

(Feb. 4, 2016) The Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors discussed the following items during a public meeting in the community center on Jan. 28.
Happy birthday
Board President Pat Renaud recognized Star Charities founder Anna Foultz, who celebrated her 90th birthday last month.
During his opening remarks, Renaud also cautioned the directors that Robert’s Rules of Order would continue to be observed during meetings.
“We are still in the realm of civility,” he said. “We will be nice to one another, we will not call each other names [and] we will not interrupt while one board member is speaking.”
GM report
General Manager Bob Thompson provided an update on three capital projects, including drainage on St. Martin’s Lane, improvements to the Manklin Meadows racquet sports complex, and repairs to two community bridges.
Thompson said he had discussions with the county about potential issues with utility lines, which the county said they would prefer to run under the canals if Ocean Pines decides to repair or replace the bridges. He said a request for proposals would be released during the next few weeks.
The association only received one bid for the Manklin Meadows project, for $748,000 – nearly three times what the board had budgeted. Thompson said he would look into breaking the project into several phases, potentially over a two-year period, and return to the board next month with more information.
Thompson said Ocean Pines received two bids for drainage improvements near St. Martin’s Lane. He recommended the cheaper option, proposed by Delmar construction firm Terra Firma, estimated at $35,391. Director Dave Stevens moved to add a 10 percent “leeway” cost to the project, which the directors approved unanimously.
The item was originally unbudgeted, and will be paid from the replacement reserves account.  
Weathering winter
During the snowstorm two weeks ago, Thompson said Ocean Pines Public Works cleared roads and removed several trees. He said minor damage was done to the roof of the beach club, in Ocean City, and that an insurance firm was reviewing repair options.
Beach Club bathrooms
A budget item, building new bathrooms at the Beach Club in Ocean City, would up on the regular-meeting agenda on Thursday, and the directors voted unanimously to keep it in the fiscal year 2017 draft, which is still under review.
Director Jack Collins introduced the motions, asking for $500,000 for the new facility. After two amendments, that total was changed to $525,000. The motion also included some wiggle room as to exactly where the bathrooms would be located within the property.
Committee nominations
The board unanimously approved 11 nominations for the 2016 search committee, who are tasked with finding and recruiting candidates to run for the board of directors.
Renaud noted the committee had many more women that during the previous year, when it only had one.
The directors also voted in three other appointments: Lisa Schwartz for a second term on the architectural review committee, John Trumpower, also second term, on the budget and finance committee and Greer Groves, first term, on the recreation and parks committee.  
Reserve study
Thompson said he received the first draft of a reserve study produced by Virginia firm Design Management Associates Inc. on Jan. 27.
Each board member was given a binder of the draft, which Thompson asked the directors to read and send back revisions, questions and comments. The directors tentatively agreed to hold a special meeting to discuss the study at a date to be determined.