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Ocean Pines general manager gives report to board

The OPA Yacht Club tiki bar will be expanded. The project is expected to be completed by Memorial Day.

Construction at Yacht Club, racquet sports, and South Gate Pond top priorities

By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Writer

(Jan. 25, 2024) Ocean Pines Association General Manager John Viola provided updates to the board of directors on the priority projects in the community at its January meeting on Saturday.

  • Yacht Club Tiki Bar: Viola said this a top priority. The electrical, plumbing and interior site plans were done by Vista Design and will be sent to the county along with the construction company information. The project is expected to be completed by Memorial Day, according to Viola.
  • Budget Fiscal Year 24/25: The OPA board has sent the general manager changes to the budget based on its discussions. The board will vote on the budget at the Feb. 17 board meeting. The budget has a lower property assessment, increased spending, increased reserves, and a strong balance sheet, said Viola, who wants to make sure to stay on track for the next three to five years.
  • Racquet Sports Building Renovation: Vista will start drawings for the center and discussions have taken place with the contractor. There was water damage to the building during the recent heavy rains. This was addressed by Public Works, but permanent repairs will be made during the renovation.
  • Pavilion at Veterans Memorial: Preliminary drawings are in development and dialogue has started with the contractor.
  • South Gate Pond: A soft shoreline project will install grasses and native flowers around the pond. The project will start on the Route 589 side, where there is the most erosion, according to Viola. Efforts to protect turtles in the pond will also be a part of the project. Fishing access will remain at the pond.

A federal grant for up to $150,000 has been secured, with $50,000 for design and $100,000 for plantings. OPA will submit invoices for reimbursement. The plan has been sent to EPA and Maryland Coastal Bays Program will assist in the development of an RFP.  “There will be additional costs in future phases, but we believe there will be additional funding available for those phases,” Viola said.

  • Seasonal banners: Because of the positive feedback by residents to the holiday banners, new banners are being designed to promote OPA amenities and highlight the seasons and holidays.
  • Reserve Study: A reserve study by an outside contractor will be conducted by January 2025, as required by law. The association has been selected as a beta tester for the DMA navigator portal for updates to the study. The association will get a break in the cost for being a beta tester. The goal is to have 30 percent in reserves, which equals about $7 million. Previously, the board approved 23-28 percent as the goal, which has been met.
  • Dog Park: Agility equipment has been placed at the park. There was a request by Patti Stevens to move the gazebo at the Veterans Memorial Park to the Dog Park so there is shelter for people who bring their dogs on rainy days. Viola said the garden club has requested the gazebo as well, so Public Works may build one for the dog park.
  • Maintenance: Public works has been conducting maintenance at the beach and yacht clubs, including restoring counters and making repairs to flooring and drywall.

Signs:  Per recommendations from the Rec and Parks Committee, signs have been ordered for all parks, including directional, walking trails, adopt-a-park, curb your dog and playground rules.

  • Trash Collection:  The contract with Republic Services has been renewed for three more years. New trash containers will be provided for residences within the next few months.  Special leaf collections will occur on Nov. 9,16 and 23 and Dec. 7,14 and 21. All leaves must be in paper bags for pick-up and there will be no limit to the number of bags. Republic will continue to collect four bags of leaves during its regular weekly pick-ups.