General Manager John Viola and Senior Office Manager Linda Martin present reports to OPA Board.
By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Writer
(Nov. 23, 2023) Ocean Pines Association General Manager John Viola provided highlights of last month during his report to the board of directors at its meeting on Saturday.
Racquet Center: Public Works installed a fence at the racquet center in an effort to stop people from using the courts without paying. The cost of the fence was $2,200.
Unfortunately, it appears that some people are athletic enough to jump over the fence and continue to access the courts without pay. Viola said he is now looking at cameras for the facility.
Leaf Collection: Viola reminded residents that the leaf vacuum program has ended and residents need to bag all leaves for pick-up. Four bags of leaves will be picked up by Republic during regularly scheduled trash collection days. Public Works will collect bagged leaves from Nov. 27-Dec. 29, opposite Republic Service collection days.
Residents can also bring leaves to the Public Works Department yard, which is open on Wednesday’s from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. The yard will also be open from Nov. 27-Dec. 30. Leaves can be delivered loose or in paper bags. Residents must have a sticker to drop off at the yard. The free stickers are available at the Public Works Department.
Bulkheads: Bulkhead replacement began this month and will be completed in April. Fisher Marine is doing the work at a cost of $977,500. The work will be done on canals on Watergreen Lane, Goldeneye Court and Wood Duck Drive.
Drainage: Secondary pipes were laid by Deppe Bros. on Teal Circle and Moonshell Drive. Pelican is scheduled to be on site in the winter to do pipe lining.
Roads: Asphalt Maintenance will start repaving Battersea Road, Canal Road, Deerfield Court, Driftwood Lane, Moonraker Road, Waters Edge Court, Wharf Court and St. Martin’s Lane.
New Fire Station: Viola disbanded the fire station working group and recognized the efforts of its members. He said that they have provided the fire department with sketches and other tools to proceed with fundraising.
Trash and Recycling: The current contact with Republic ends on Dec. 31. OPA received three bids from companies, including Republic, that can provide the service.
The bids are being reviewed by staff and a new contract will be approved by the board and awarded in December.