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Openings available on several of Worcester County’s boards

(Nov. 24, 2016) Worcester County currently has openings on 25 boards and commissions. County residents interested in volunteering to fill these open seats are invited to contact the County Commissioners, identifying the boards or commissions that are of interest to them.
Vacancies are available on the Adult Public Guardianship Board, Commission on Aging Board, Agricultural Preservation Advisory Board, Agricultural Reconciliation Board, Building Code Appeals Board, Economic Development Advisory Board, Board of Electrical Examiners, Ethics Board, Housing Review Board, Local Management Board/Initiative to Preserve Families Board, Board of Library Trustees, Local Development Council for the Ocean Downs Casino, Lower Shore Workforce Investment Board, Planning Commission, Recreation Advisory Board, Social Services Board, Soil Conservation District Supervisors, Solid Waste Advisory Committee, Tourism Advisory Committee, Commission for Women, Youth Council, Board of Zoning Appeals, and Water and Sewer Advisory Councils in Mystic Harbour, Ocean Pines, and West Ocean City.
Information about the duties and responsibilities of each board and commission is available at Send a letter of interest, along with a resume or cover letter outlining any pertinent experience, to the County Commissioners at or Worcester County Government Center, One West Market Street, Room 1103, Snow Hill, Maryland 21863.